Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
$: 0
Forecast: Sunny
Mon 03:30pm  
Stables Online:  127 
The Old Gods
03:30:05 Void Malign
Got my degrees, no more school lol
03:29:15 marsh 🌈
i was working on this at club and someone thought it was astrology lul -Click-
The Old Gods
03:28:31 Void Malign
I don't miss finals
Wolf Dancer
03:28:29 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Oof >> We are getting ready for state testing as well lol then a month and half after is finals x/
03:27:30 marsh 🌈
i feel that :') studying for my final this week loll its cumulative and a Lot
Wolf Dancer
03:25:59 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Lol thanks! I know I can do it but there is just so much to do/get caught up on and it's frankly overwhelming >>
03:25:05 marsh 🌈
highschool maths,, i miss it
i believe in you </3 im a bit busy with my own math or i would offer to help lol
Wolf Dancer
03:23:56 Wolf Burger (Leg)
It's all stuff I know how to do but haven't done in like 2 weeks, and there is so much work >>
Sunset River Arabian
03:23:40 Athena - AAs
I have 4 design assignments to do and I don't want to because we're being judged by how well we follow the tutorial not how creative we can be
Wolf Dancer
03:23:24 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Lot's of everything >> Polynomials, triginometry, functions, imaginary numbers and finding roots of functions/polynomials >>
Imperial Warmbloods
03:22:16 Imp/Impie
Hi, Sunni!
03:22:10 marsh 🌈
whats the math-
Wolf Dancer
03:22:06 Wolf Burger (Leg)
I get like so much anxiety looking at it >>
Wolf Dancer
03:21:50 Wolf Burger (Leg)
I really need to work on the school work, specifically math, but I look at the assignment and go to do it and I just can't >.> There's just so much I don't know where to start >>
Hello everyone.
ghost light stables
03:18:03 moldy bread / ghost

Trails are still fun though! I never really got to trail ride as a kid besides on my birthday or if our business was hosting a clinic. Reiners are really fun to ride, I've rode a bunch because some of my clients will buy them as a reinerand have me train them to do something else
Sunset River Arabian
03:13:12 Athena - AAs
lol she never dumped me thankfully. She really wasn't great at anything except causal riding or trails. My guess because she had never really be trained to do much other than walk. I used to ride a reiner though. He had the cleanest spins and lead changes of any horse I've ridden
Willow Grove
03:11:54 Stalker of Chat
Was not aware SD could go up week 8, even as a gelding
-HEE Click-
ghost light stables
03:09:40 moldy bread / ghost

My heart horse was like that with his feet, I used to train cutting horses (when I was 10-15) and he was my first project, but no Matter how big or small the jump or pole was he would launch over the trot poles and send me to the moon or trip over the jump
Sunset River Arabian
03:07:00 Athena - AAs
She was a good girl. Although she wouldn't pick her feet up to trot over poles no matter what I did. And keeping her collected always made her act out. I was getting places slowly with her and than I had to stop riding. She had such a nice trot to ride too. So smooth. Our guess is she was a morgan quarter horse

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
The Old Gods
03:30:05 Void Malign
Got my degrees, no more school lol
03:29:15 marsh 🌈
i was working on this at club and someone thought it was astrology lul -Click-
The Old Gods
03:28:31 Void Malign
I don't miss finals
Wolf Dancer
03:28:29 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Oof >> We are getting ready for state testing as well lol then a month and half after is finals x/
03:27:30 marsh 🌈
i feel that :') studying for my final this week loll its cumulative and a Lot
Wolf Dancer
03:25:59 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Lol thanks! I know I can do it but there is just so much to do/get caught up on and it's frankly overwhelming >>
03:25:05 marsh 🌈
highschool maths,, i miss it
i believe in you </3 im a bit busy with my own math or i would offer to help lol
Wolf Dancer
03:23:56 Wolf Burger (Leg)
It's all stuff I know how to do but haven't done in like 2 weeks, and there is so much work >>
Sunset River Arabian
03:23:40 Athena - AAs
I have 4 design assignments to do and I don't want to because we're being judged by how well we follow the tutorial not how creative we can be
Wolf Dancer
03:23:24 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Lot's of everything >> Polynomials, triginometry, functions, imaginary numbers and finding roots of functions/polynomials >>
Imperial Warmbloods
03:22:16 Imp/Impie
Hi, Sunni!
03:22:10 marsh 🌈
whats the math-
Wolf Dancer
03:22:06 Wolf Burger (Leg)
I get like so much anxiety looking at it >>
Wolf Dancer
03:21:50 Wolf Burger (Leg)
I really need to work on the school work, specifically math, but I look at the assignment and go to do it and I just can't >.> There's just so much I don't know where to start >>
Hello everyone.
ghost light stables
03:18:03 moldy bread / ghost

Trails are still fun though! I never really got to trail ride as a kid besides on my birthday or if our business was hosting a clinic. Reiners are really fun to ride, I've rode a bunch because some of my clients will buy them as a reinerand have me train them to do something else
Sunset River Arabian
03:13:12 Athena - AAs
lol she never dumped me thankfully. She really wasn't great at anything except causal riding or trails. My guess because she had never really be trained to do much other than walk. I used to ride a reiner though. He had the cleanest spins and lead changes of any horse I've ridden
Willow Grove
03:11:54 Stalker of Chat
Was not aware SD could go up week 8, even as a gelding
-HEE Click-
ghost light stables
03:09:40 moldy bread / ghost

My heart horse was like that with his feet, I used to train cutting horses (when I was 10-15) and he was my first project, but no Matter how big or small the jump or pole was he would launch over the trot poles and send me to the moon or trip over the jump
Sunset River Arabian
03:07:00 Athena - AAs
She was a good girl. Although she wouldn't pick her feet up to trot over poles no matter what I did. And keeping her collected always made her act out. I was getting places slowly with her and than I had to stop riding. She had such a nice trot to ride too. So smooth. Our guess is she was a morgan quarter horse

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Taking Offers! EPP
EPP Registered Irish Draught Mare

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Taking Offers! EPP

Color: Chestnut
Horse Nbr: 29583841
Breed: Registered Irish Draught
Sex: Mare
Birthdate: March 3, 2022
Age: Deceased
Birth Year: 152
Height: 16.1 Hands

 Rainbow Bridge
Barn: Rainbow Bridge

 Black Bean Stables
Brand: ⦅≀⦆
Sire: Altair (EEE)
Dam: Pixie (PPP-S)
Foals This Year: 0
Bravery: Average (0%)

Sales History

Ridden by: Nobody
Training In: All Disciplines
Training Sessions: 15

Eventing Level: 2 Not Ready
Dressage Level: 2 Introductory
Cross Country Level: 2 Walk Trot
Jumping Level: 2 Walk Trot
Show Experience: 18

Training Gauge


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