Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Winter   
$: 0
Forecast: Sunny
Sun 06:53am  
Stables Online:  54   Go Raid
Unity of freedom
06:38:51 Ceci / (Call me) AL
Does anyone know who Dulcie's Ghost is the side account to?
Angels angels
04:57:05 [1k+ brindles] Angel
-HEE Click-
Arvalon Studs
04:38:11 Tosk's KNN
I'm back and alive x.x
Ponies heaven
04:00:21 Pera/ peral
I have done the same thing, only noticing the button after I had finished
MC Ace
03:59:24 McFossil
No way. Took me a while to figure it out too. Then I'd be tired and accidently fire ALL riders. That's the worst.
Kuewi knn stable
03:59:24 Bazinga Force
Our Admin Eve is Stable #1, Cadence Farms

Dark Shadows Estate
03:26:36 Bazz
Wait I've been firing riders one by one all this time when there has been an option to fire multiple riders at once? Now I feel dumb 😂
Nightfall Dressage
02:58:14 Witchy
Just curious are you Eve as in the creator of the game? :)
Lost an item of clothing in rider's dressing room when i removed it it flat-out disappeared
01:54:27 Loony :)
Just need somewhere to put my stable number
Please ignore this message thanks
Golden Crest
12:56:04 | Eve
lovee this filly -HEE Click-
Eagle Creek
12:37:44 Eagle
Does this*
Eagle Creek
12:37:32 Eagle
Doesn't his need a D med?
-HEE Click-
Glacier Bay Cove
11:38:27 Lily Lilac🐈
Wolf, I agree with Revel, one hundred percent, go to the hospital and get checked out
Revel Ranch
@Wolf, I wouldn't wait to see the doctor. I think you better get in ASAP
Wolf Dancer
11:14:24 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Well anyways I need to go now lol I've been up all day doing outside work lol <3 Hopefully we can talk soon!
Wolf Dancer
11:12:48 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Yea it's not bad though not as bad as it could be mostly just dull, I somehow also scraped some skin off my shoulder, and that hurts the most, it just burns >.>
11:11:51 ♧Uriah♧
Sorry, I switched accounts

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Unity of freedom
06:38:51 Ceci / (Call me) AL
Does anyone know who Dulcie's Ghost is the side account to?
Angels angels
04:57:05 [1k+ brindles] Angel
-HEE Click-
Arvalon Studs
04:38:11 Tosk's KNN
I'm back and alive x.x
Ponies heaven
04:00:21 Pera/ peral
I have done the same thing, only noticing the button after I had finished
MC Ace
03:59:24 McFossil
No way. Took me a while to figure it out too. Then I'd be tired and accidently fire ALL riders. That's the worst.
Kuewi knn stable
03:59:24 Bazinga Force
Our Admin Eve is Stable #1, Cadence Farms

Dark Shadows Estate
03:26:36 Bazz
Wait I've been firing riders one by one all this time when there has been an option to fire multiple riders at once? Now I feel dumb 😂
Nightfall Dressage
02:58:14 Witchy
Just curious are you Eve as in the creator of the game? :)
Lost an item of clothing in rider's dressing room when i removed it it flat-out disappeared
01:54:27 Loony :)
Just need somewhere to put my stable number
Please ignore this message thanks
Golden Crest
12:56:04 | Eve
lovee this filly -HEE Click-
Eagle Creek
12:37:44 Eagle
Does this*
Eagle Creek
12:37:32 Eagle
Doesn't his need a D med?
-HEE Click-
Glacier Bay Cove
11:38:27 Lily Lilac🐈
Wolf, I agree with Revel, one hundred percent, go to the hospital and get checked out
Revel Ranch
@Wolf, I wouldn't wait to see the doctor. I think you better get in ASAP
Wolf Dancer
11:14:24 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Well anyways I need to go now lol I've been up all day doing outside work lol <3 Hopefully we can talk soon!
Wolf Dancer
11:12:48 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Yea it's not bad though not as bad as it could be mostly just dull, I somehow also scraped some skin off my shoulder, and that hurts the most, it just burns >.>
11:11:51 ♧Uriah♧
Sorry, I switched accounts

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than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.



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