Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Winter   
$: 0
Forecast: Sunny
Sun 03:18pm  
Stables Online:  117 
Horse Eden Eventing Game


Quest Hub

The show grounds are full of hustle and bustle. Horses and riders are warming up, some taking jumps, while trainers watch along the rail. You feel excited for the day ahead and set off to find your horse's groom. As she has wandered off.

You almost bump into a dressage rider wiping her boots down. "Excuse me." you mumble.

She looks at you curiously, and says "I'm Gemma, and I'm in need of help with a few things. Would you like to take on some tasks? I will reward you well."

You think to yourself "Hmmm, this might make a nice side hustle when I get home."

You chat for a bit and then exchange numbers.

Your Challenges

You may take up to 3 quests at once and can skip 3 quests per day. Quests will remain until you complete them or skip them.

You can take 3 more quests.

Gemma says "Are you up for a challenge?"  
Let's Do This!

Name The Quest Master

Reset Quest Skips To 3 - 10,000 EBs