I'm not a winter athlete, being only a rider and VB player, but I do get up at 3am every morning to shoot at coyotes who get a little too close for comfort during winter :)
Myth Keeps you cool! I don't even wear shorts in summer but if it gets too hot shoveling I strip off my coat, hat and mittens! Even boots if it's a fair day! I think it's just one step cooler :P
Eury, Sure, I could see that. But the social media I mean, is more posting pictures of myself/my house and other daily activities, daily, to a community of random people. Like, strangers don't gotta know of what I'm doing throughout the day, nor what I look like lol
Myth the guy i knew who did it did it to be popular Also he was a terrible city slicker who had no real reason to go outside & except to go to his car or other building