Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
$: 0
Forecast: Sunny
Mon 10:26pm  
Stables Online:  101 
RFS Thoroughbreds
10:25:32 Fern / 👹
Transformers Acres
10:25:16 Geek
Okay, correction. My sister is my HALF-SISTER! We share a mom, not a dad. I've asked, many a time, and essentially, I would be NO relation to her fiancee, or his siblings. I dunno, it's confusing.
Greenheart Stables
10:24:47 Green|Gren|Grenlin
Mar 17, 2025 22:22:39 You entered 445 horses into reg. shows for 433000.
Accountant is not having a good time right now 😭
Blue Diamond
10:23:02 Bluey
.....Ummmm WHAT?!
RFS Thoroughbreds
10:22:43 Fern / 👹
Transformers Acres
10:22:29 Geek
I told my sister's fiancee's brother that I found him attractive. He likes me too, but we agreed to be friends, at least until we figure our minds out.
Moonside Stable
-HEE Click-
Thoughts on this match? +Scp glass
Blue Diamond
10:05:15 Bluey
Thanks, Glacier!
Glacier Bay Cove
10:02:19 Glacier cats
Thanks, Rapcoon
Glacier Bay Cove
10:01:09 Glacier cats
Beautiful, Bluey
Blue Diamond
10:00:09 Bluey
My baby ^^
Glacier Bay Cove
09:47:44 Glacier cats
Quick question, Sunni, what color is Kitty
Fancy Me Spotted
But thats just me if you didnt have a time limit on those id do that later down the road.
Fancy Me Spotted
Looks good heart but he might look better with a black hand print on his hip and no eye decor he looks like he got punched in the eye to me but he looks good.
Wolf Dancer
09:41:59 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Are you lurking/stalking chat by chance? <3
Warm hearted
09:40:15 Brit
what about now
-HEE Click-
Journey Home
09:37:33 Moria
I think the problem is that the light brown and the black clash. The light brown by itself matches the brown speckles and the black too would look good on its own.
KPH Equestrian
09:31:49 Rapcoon | Jester
I feel like I ought to share this lol
09:29:10 Leaf
My dog is great though she I thought she killed it I wopped it with a stick to check next morning went to shovel it and it was gone but lots of blood were it was laying.
Warm hearted
09:28:51 Brit
thank you i may switch the saddle to black

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
RFS Thoroughbreds
10:25:32 Fern / 👹
Transformers Acres
10:25:16 Geek
Okay, correction. My sister is my HALF-SISTER! We share a mom, not a dad. I've asked, many a time, and essentially, I would be NO relation to her fiancee, or his siblings. I dunno, it's confusing.
Greenheart Stables
10:24:47 Green|Gren|Grenlin
Mar 17, 2025 22:22:39 You entered 445 horses into reg. shows for 433000.
Accountant is not having a good time right now 😭
Blue Diamond
10:23:02 Bluey
.....Ummmm WHAT?!
RFS Thoroughbreds
10:22:43 Fern / 👹
Transformers Acres
10:22:29 Geek
I told my sister's fiancee's brother that I found him attractive. He likes me too, but we agreed to be friends, at least until we figure our minds out.
Moonside Stable
-HEE Click-
Thoughts on this match? +Scp glass
Blue Diamond
10:05:15 Bluey
Thanks, Glacier!
Glacier Bay Cove
10:02:19 Glacier cats
Thanks, Rapcoon
Glacier Bay Cove
10:01:09 Glacier cats
Beautiful, Bluey
Blue Diamond
10:00:09 Bluey
My baby ^^
Glacier Bay Cove
09:47:44 Glacier cats
Quick question, Sunni, what color is Kitty
Fancy Me Spotted
But thats just me if you didnt have a time limit on those id do that later down the road.
Fancy Me Spotted
Looks good heart but he might look better with a black hand print on his hip and no eye decor he looks like he got punched in the eye to me but he looks good.
Wolf Dancer
09:41:59 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Are you lurking/stalking chat by chance? <3
Warm hearted
09:40:15 Brit
what about now
-HEE Click-
Journey Home
09:37:33 Moria
I think the problem is that the light brown and the black clash. The light brown by itself matches the brown speckles and the black too would look good on its own.
KPH Equestrian
09:31:49 Rapcoon | Jester
I feel like I ought to share this lol
09:29:10 Leaf
My dog is great though she I thought she killed it I wopped it with a stick to check next morning went to shovel it and it was gone but lots of blood were it was laying.
Warm hearted
09:28:51 Brit
thank you i may switch the saddle to black

You must be a registered member for more
than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.


Horse Page

ↁ EEE| Heartbreaker
EEE Appendix Quarter Horse Stallion

→ Horse Eden is a fun game! Go To Front Page!


ↁ EEE| Heartbreaker

Color: Dunskin
Horse Nbr: 37075050
Breed: Appendix Quarter Horse
Sex: Stallion
Birthdate: March 1, 2024
Age: 13
Birth Year: 176
Straws Drawn: 0
Height: 16 Hands

Barn: 25| RID

 Royal Horse Stables
Brand: None
Sire: 月 Heartrage
Dam: Ever Wonder
Foals This Year: 0
Bravery: Sub-Par (0%)

Sales History

Ridden by: o Tonka (E)
Training In: All Disciplines
Training Sessions: 36

Eventing Level: 4 Training
Dressage Level: 5 Medium 2
Cross Country Level: 5 Preliminary
Jumping Level: 4 Novice
Show Experience: 46

Training Gauge


Aa Ee Cc Dd

wk 04: 121121
wk 05: 221122
wk 06: 222222
wk 07: 222232
wk 08: 232232
wk 09: 332233
wk 10: ______
wk 11: 333343
wk 12: 343343
wk 13: 343344
wk 14: 443354
wk 15: 443354
wk16: 454455
DC-wk17: ______-DC
wk18: 554465
wk19: 554465
wk20: 564466
wk21: 565566
wk22 565576
wk23 665576
wk24 675577
wk25 675587
wk26 676587
wk27 786687
wk28 786688
wk29 786698
wk30 786698
wk31 897699

Minimum Rating allowable for breeding (any combination): SPP

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