Color: Gold Champagne Roan Tobiano Splash White Sabino Rabicano Varnish Frost Appaloosa
Horse Nbr: 9592807
Breed: Irish Sport Horse
Sex: Mare
Birthdate: December 1, 2015
Age: Deceased
Birth Year: 77
Height: 16 Hands
Barn: Rainbow Bridge
Breeder: Former Stable
Brand: BMS
Sire: ✯Kind Of Genius
Dam: ⚢Beauty Duo
Foals This Year: 0
Bravery: Unknown (0%)
January 17, 2016
Former Stable sold to Former Stable for 10000April 6, 2016
Former Stable sold to Free Range for 1000 Extension: ee
Agouti: Aa
Creme: CC
Roan: Rnrn
Dun: dd
Pearl: Prlprl
Silver: zz
Champagne: Chch
Grey: gg
White: ww
Tobiano: ToTo
Splash White: SplSpl
Sabino: Sbsb
Rabicano: Rbrb
Frame: oo
Leopard Complex: LpLp
PATN-1: patn-1patn-1
PATN-2: PATN-2patn-2
Brindle: X-
Sooty: Yes
Pangere: No