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Please note that comments are automatically deleted after 90 days. Enter a short description of whatever is going on with your stable here. Pretty it up however you like. Stock art/art that you own, only please. 20,000 Characters maximum. If you use tables, please be sure to size them based on a percentage(100% etc) and not a pixel width. Reminder that offsite links to other games, chats, sites, etc. are not permitted. Delete individual comments. Stables You've Commented On. |
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Pretty it up however you like. Stock art/art that you own, only please. Photos of yourself/humans are not permitted. 20,000 Characters maximum. If you use tables, please be sure to size them based on a percentage(100% etc) and not a pixel width. Reminder that offsite links to other games, chats, sites, etc. are not permitted. |