Bioshock Manor
05:25:26 Storm
Hawaiian Dascyllus

That took forever to find
Bioshock Manor
05:19:28 Storm
The channel is dive dive live on youtube
Bioshock Manor
05:19:08 Storm
It's so pretty and I have no idea what it is. Unbelievably hard to look up too.
Moonlight Stud
05:16:19 Lee
Oh that sounds pretty
Bioshock Manor
05:15:14 Storm
Lol. Yes. Glad for them. Wouldn't be here otherwise.

Watching a newfound Hawaii sea channel and trying to figure out this silver body black outlined fish. Rather like a blue roan with heavy sooty or a grullo with sooty and no white.
Moonlight Stud
05:12:51 Lee
*horses. Lol what an autocorrect
Moonlight Stud
05:09:01 Lee
Damn that sucks.

At least school and theorises is a positive.
Bioshock Manor
05:07:23 Storm
Unfortunately. Not likely to move soon either unless I win the lottery. School is great though. Absolutely love it. Horses are great. See My old girls today. I have food thankfully. All else is the same sadly. I am working on making a screen for the front door so I can leave it open all night, since I live in the living room -.-
Moonlight Stud
05:05:38 Lee
Oof. That's rough. Still stuck at your Dad?
Bioshock Manor
05:03:18 Storm
I have them frequently, but they're getting worse the longer I'm here.
Moonlight Stud
05:02:09 Lee
You too? I've been having that for the last couple days as well
05:01:57 Amb
I work nights and ride during the day so sleep is definitely fictional
Bioshock Manor
05:00:17 Storm
Sleep is definitely fictional
Bioshock Manor
05:00:07 Storm
I'm also too hot and pain spasms randomly.

I hate this place -.-
Moonlight Stud
04:59:44 Lee
That it is :/
04:51:46 Ceci / (Call me) AL
Anxiety is a bitch :(
Moonlight Stud
04:46:00 Lee
Sleep I'm pretty sure has become fictional.
04:43:18 Ceci / (Call me) AL
Oh you too?
Bioshock Manor
04:27:55 Storm
Guess I'm here since sleep is a no, again
Hot 2 Trot
04:01:20 ♡Holly♡
*you sorry
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 Year: 188   Season: Summer   $: 0 Thu 05:28am CDT  
 Forecast: Evening Thunderstorms, Hail Possible


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