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 Year: 188   Season: Spring   $: 0 Thu 08:53pm CST  
 Forecast: Afternoon Storms, then Clearing

Jousting Tournament

In the far reaches of Eden sits a castle where jousting tournaments are held! Enter your horse and rider, and try to knock other jousters off their mount.

Once you've chosen your horse, you will be assigned to a team, either the Eagles or the Lions. Earn wins for your team by knocking off other riders. You can find the list of participating members by looking in the Stables Online list.

It costs 500 ebs to enter the tournament, and whichever team earns 30 wins first will split the spoils of the other team's entry fees, as well as earn back their entry fee.

Horses that have strong base stats in Strength and Speed will tend to do better in this event, so choose horses that tend to train best in these areas. Your horse must be assigned to a rider to be eligible, and must be 2 years of age or older.

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Current Score



7 of 30 wins


12 of 30 wins

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