
✷Edited at March 11, 2024 05:34 PM by Magnetar Equestrian
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Goals ✷ Strengthen my Thoroughbred jumping lines Have 5 SJ TB mares on the leaderboard Have 5 top 50 SH dressage mares... or more than one... lol Have 5 top 50 SH SJ mares Have an AA XC mare on the ABLB ✷ Edited at December 26, 2024 01:39 AM by Magnetar Equestrian
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Memorials ✷ Stallions Jupiter My first top dressage stallion. Saturn Another major stallion in my program, and he infected everyone with palomino pearl genes. Valhalla My star stud. Ouranos The pinnacle of my dressage program back in the day. He was unbeatable. Isildur Great stud. Infected my barn with roan. Prometheus Great stud. Infected my barn with short stature. Kaisho A dependable guy. Helped get my current dressage program going. Angmar My star SH boy. Anárion Isildur's heir. Made a great team with Angmar. Lórien My best show jumping stallion, back in the day. Dragon The foundation of all my current show jumping lines. Great horse. Sha Po Lang My fantastic Thoroughbred jumping stallion. Yumeji Sha Po Lang's older brother. They were a great pair of studs. The Merovingian Lucky buy. The Keymaker My first great cross country stud. Dyeus My one good KNN boy. Honorable Mentions Laniakea, Titan, Tartarus, Aeneas, Animus Vox, Drakon, Elysium, Wick, Arguru, Humlan, Caduceus. ✷ Mares Microraptor Jupiter's dam. Aurora Borealis Foundation mare of my old cross country program. Cirrus Saturn's dam. Drakossozh Valhalla's dam. Chaos Ouranos' dam. Nebula Foundation mare for my KNN XC program. Mora Miss Mora keeps my old dressage lines alive. ✷ Edited at May 2, 2024 05:21 PM by Magnetar Equestrian
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I also love the art on my stallion Yumeji: ✷ Edited at October 10, 2024 03:03 AM by Magnetar Equestrian
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