Welcome, Stables of Eden! This is the place to share whatever you would like about your stable. You may create ONE (1) Thread per Stable that you are managing and share whatever you would like about it. Then update the thread anytime you have something new to add. It is a good idea to 'reserve' the first 5 or so posts for your info, as others will come along and comment.
Some ideas include:
-General Info about your stable -Short Term and Long Term Goals -Latest Brags and Achievements -Share your favorite Stallions, Mares, and Foals -Shop Items for sale -Any auctions going on -Club info -Anything else you feel describes what your stable is all about
Edited at April 28, 2017 06:33 PM by Crazy Wolf

Thanks :D Edited at July 24, 2018 10:50 AM by Cedar Brook

This is very helpful, thank you!