Hey can we add Emalee's name into the list of characters Also can her school horse major in dressage and be either mare or geld ?
Lol, Grey. Did you have any particular plot idea, or just him bugging everyone endlessly as per usual? XD
No ideas.. I just wuv Noah and need to see more of him x3 He's always welcome to go make Erin internally scree
If you make an Erin post I'll include him in my Noah/Emily/Katrina post later ;)
Ive been forgetful about RPs. Which of my chirren need posteses?
Umm...Aria was getting ready for the Western lesson, which she has to attend. Liz with Cam McIdiot. Dash with Judea, Athens and Jay.
Well, you, m'dear, need to gimme a Cam post :)
Ooh is McFleury getting back to the groove? :o I miss your posts lol