Dash still doesn't have a school horse :} It's fine if he doesn't get one though
I need to start posting something on this thread as well like omg xD
Star Catcher Estate said: Dash still doesn't have a school horse :} It's fine if he doesn't get one though
I'll whip one up in a mo. Star Catcher Estate said: Also I need some Cam <3
I need some too XD He abandoned me
Sorry for not responding, Fleursie. I'm a little stuck on how to respond with J/A, which is SUPER saddening because I love em soo much and I want to write them more 😭 Interesting times for your potato bud here
I'd love if you guys could get some posts up :) I get writer's block, but this role play needs to live! Quick, give it some CPR
-body slams the thread- Liiiiiiiiive!!!
I can't reply until ya'll reply to me lol It's a waiting game at the moment
I'm a slow poke, okay? xD I'll try throwing my replies, but currently my only motivation is going towards making a new character that I absolutely do not need lol. As per usual.