Just post when you have time and inpiration :) Busy typing a Jay post. Apologies for the length, on mobile >_<
I'm very sorry for being kinda unactive, I'm just having a lot of stuff going on in my personal life but I'll try to sketch some horse related things of the head shot sketchs since I guess you guys like it? ^~^
Tanglewood said: 'S fine :)
Thank you for understanding ^-^ also I like your stable set :3
Head shot sketch of Balada 💖
Cool! Eurh. I seriously need to draw more often
Just got my new Drawing tablet so I'm experimenting! Feel like a little child at Christmas :3 Hope you're all doing okay though,Everyone is awfully quiet lately ;P
I'm just waiting for my form to be accepted :3 I've also been working on making my first role!
If you haven't been accepted, there is a reason. Check your form or take it to PMs.
Flipperruby30 said: Just got my new Drawing tablet so I'm experimenting! Feel like a little child at Christmas :3 Hope you're all doing okay though,Everyone is awfully quiet lately ;P
Ooo fancy and I'm doing alright for now