Prince is 18hhs and Mystery is 17hhs and then there's Heather who is 5'1" and a half 😂
Eeh, this stupid beanie is so freaking anoying!!!!!
My creative music usually consists of the Kaiser Cheifs,Oasis,Steriophonics or some really slow and amazing vocals like Grace or occasionally a bit of church hymns.Depends on my ever- fluctuating mood Lol! XD
Shall I toss Dash into the chaos?
Can I please have confirmation on the time in the RP? Is it the morning with Kholo's lesson, or are we forgoing the whole day?
And just a quick question for you Charm. What happened to Tristan's wife?
"Happened to?" She's still alive. She coaches college football for a bigshot Uni several hours away. They meet a few times a week, no more. Not very social creatures LOL