
Avenoir Acres said: who else is *around* that i can bug with some of my other brain people?? brooks/wes post and rena post coming in a bit. gonna wait on sofia for sva's jack post. would love to throw some others in today. maybe the isc :)
Fairfield pair are open, i've been neglecting them as always lol, and of course livvie. [sidenote, I've barely read sullivan but I totally agree with you on them?? Like, they would be the sweetest most sunshiney pair and i'm so there for that] I could throw kay/hunter at one of yours? They need some more screentime, whenever or however that happens.

Thank goodness you see it too. Theyd be perfect. He's older than her and slightly more mature but barely lol. Romantically shy but very exuberant in a quiet way otherwise. I'm very excited about the prospect of that. I will get a him post up then :) and then figure out who else! Posts coming around probably 2 or 3 game time.

The switch from writing some prequel-esque Alex stuff to drunk Drew is a wild ride, let me tell you. She should be up in a couple minutes.

Tanglewood said: The switch from writing some prequel-esque Alex stuff to drunk Drew is a wild ride, let me tell you. She should be up in a couple minutes.
Lol I have been thinking this all week. I love that.

Okay! I'm feeling much better, so I'm currently reading through all the posts and writing up all the answers! So, they should all be up soon!

At eleven at night, this is just so fun to bounce around to. The meaning just doesn't suit the tune, but it also does. It's weird.

Don't mind me. Problematic Dublin moments have been bugging me all week, so I gave in and wrote a pretty tame one.

Amhain Dull Liath said: Don't mind me. Problematic Dublin moments have been bugging me all week, so I gave in and wrote a pretty tame one.
Bro I literally just came online to ask what dubby was doing because I wanted to make a benji post and include him. I will try and get that up tonight/tomorrow. Lots of posts to write before them :)))
Aspen I will hold off on Shiloh for now and you can poke me in DMs whenever you want to pick he and Heather back up. I am thinking of you and your family right now and you can always message me if you need to talk! Aven that sounds good! I can throw her at Diego or you can throw him at her. Im always so happy to word vomit for her so whatever your heart desires she will do <3

i already have six posts on my agenda for the evening so if you could plan on it, that'd be great! you can call me rish if you'd like, pretty much everyone on here that's known me for any length of time does :)) diego isn't the most open book haha tryst is gonna have to be a little bit persistent at first. i will probably throw devyn or someone a little more extroverted in the mix too to make it flow better, i'll figure that out. so excited :)