Superb Time. Went swimming with the club, said bye to the people not returning next year. We did a bit of waterpolo since it was our last session of the year - girls vs boys. We lost, but it was fun (I'm super competitive, so I got really into it.)
Time Hold said: Ahhh so how is everyone today?
I've been doing alright, just working on revamp art for an old character of mine :3 How are you?
And I'm excited for tomorrow, since I have a prospective basketball competition with the dudes from the next neighbourhood. One of them is so talented. Enough that I specifically ask to check him on the opposite team. I might ask to be on his team, just to get a feeling of how he plays.
I'm doing okay. My family went into town without me, but I made pizza and watched Critical Role, so it was a half-decent day!
And the day after, I'm meeting with my friend to teach her basketball for the first time and to scout out new players from the other side of town. So that is really exciting. If you haven't figured out, I love meeting people and I love doing sports. Funnily enough, I am totally an introvert.
Now I would ask how everyone was, but now I'm two posts too late XD. I'm on a Swimmer's Adrenaline, as I put it.
I might write my posts tomorrow, Rishy, and get Monarch in, if I finish my workout early.
XD Everyone else is like..actually doing stuff with their lives and I'm just over here like I made pizza and watched DnD dhurdurdur
I'm a student and I need to study for my A-levels and practice my Russian, Continue learning Korean. I've done none, but sports and exercise is a must for me. Without it, I get all mopey, useless and I feel sick.
Finally got done with both of my girls in one post, kinda short but I'll try writing more at some point 😅