
Woah, unique! Is it something you just ended up in, or was it an active choice? I see what you mean about medicine though. I've considered the downlows: the massive debt, your own health and sleep, lack of a good relationship - or at least, the kind of one I would want. But in the end, it still feels like that is what would make me happy. After that, I want to go on and be the Health Secretary, wield some good influence. But that's just a tad far-fetched, what with my dream of having kids. Everyone says they set you back by a long time. If all else fails, I'm planning to go into programming, so at least I won't be jobless. If I can be ambitious, I want to be a white hacker for, I don't know - the MI5? Something cool like that.

a little bit of both. i'm a very proactive, hands-on person (exemplified by my ten trillion white oaks characters because being semi-involved isn't being involved at all lol) and i pretty much was discerning my career from, like, the age of seven or eight. like, seriously discerning it. taking the steps that needed to be taken to get there, creating a ten year plan, the things seven to eight year olds don't do lol. with all that discerning i went very very back and forth between a trillion careers. i am also very adaptable and i have an EXTREMELY wide variety of interests so i swear i went through every major you can get. neuro was a top contender and so was writing because there have been a lot of people in my world that have invested in me and my language/writing talents as i've grown up. english is the only class i've never had to study for and in early high school i clepped out of the college classes for english i'm eligible for because i took all the high school englishes in middle school and blah blah blah. anyway, i knew i felt called to do something that involved my really strong faith on a big scale so then i went into the theology realm but at the end of the day i'm not a very technical person and i have no interest in debating or teaching theology. i fell in love with travel writing because it combines like everything i fully enjoy. writing, photography, languages/cultures/interpersonal skills, travel, all the things. i just kind of knew the realm in which i wanted to work and found the career path that best suited me. plus, getting a b.s. in writing is really handy for pretty much any career because those skills are useful in most workplace environments. i can settle down and be an editor later on or i can be a public speaker for personality typology and stuff like that or pretty much whatever i want. honestly i just prayed and discerned and i never stopped researching new things and it all kind of fell into place as it usually does <3 i will definitely pray that you get a stronger sense of where you're called and the steps that need to take place to get there, and if you ever want advice or just a listening ear i love talking and advice giving and listening, hence the counseling double major. i am more than happy, my mailbox is always open <3

okay housekeeping question/suggestion: is it possible for us to say that this 'next day' that we're trying to get everyone to is actually several days to weeks after the previous one? are there any storylines that doesn't work with? i'm ready to write the wedding setup drama if everyone else involved is, and in general because we're going to damage poor max right after all that other rena drama i was hoping to put some space between all of these emotional dramatic events so it's not all bunched together like she's having the most insane week anyone has ever had ever. . t, i've decided not to make a reyes post in response to that drew post you made because we're trying to get everyone on board here. i figure she still doesn't know his name and little else happened after their lil hack and chat. first thing tomorrow, though, i do intend to make a post for him involving drew (if you'd like to continue having them interact!) and i wondered exactly what you wanted that to look like. i thought maybe with so many of the riders at the wedding thing kholo might ask drew to help Reyes ride and care for some of the horses since they'd theoretically be understaffed? or i can throw him at ceri, or literally anyone else. just tell me where to put him and he's there <3 if anyone else wants him too i am happy to share. i also need to place the international showjumping clique if anyone wants them. sva, on this new day, perhaps we would like to introduce them to louis and/or arlette? if it's been several days to weeks now reggie would already be well acquainted with them and probably quite good friends with them i would think :) . as for willa and silas/su-jin, i figure we'll leave them be. they weren't tied to anything making the morning they're on a specific morning, so we can say that they're on the wedding setup morning? is that okay? . i think that covers everything i wanted to cover? also, sva, i'm hoping to get a post up for salem/reagan tomorrow :) they're still on my radar.

Well first off, what the hell is this wedding thing? I'm cool with our two being moved to then but I have no clue what's going on here
Im cool with being moved! Also I am in pre-med myself to go into Forensic pathology and I sometimes kick myself when I think of debt but I love helping people and forensics keeps my mind rolling 1000% of the time lmao

Amhain Dull Liath said: Well first off, what the hell is this wedding thing? I'm cool with our two being moved to then but I have no clue what's going on here
Our organized insane chaos of ruining all the traumatized boys lives by sticking them in a room with Emily Evander amara and whoever else. We discussed it a few days ago, if not longer?

Muse said: Im cool with being moved! Also I am in pre-med myself to go into Forensic pathology and I sometimes kick myself when I think of debt but I love helping people and forensics keeps my mind rolling 1000% of the time lmao
That's SO neat. Another career path I definitely considered but ultimately decided against. That's literally one of the coolest freaking career paths. How did you get into it?

Oh. That. I didn't know it was a wedding thing. Now THAT clears a lot up. I'm still trying to think of how Dubs even gets thrown into that. Like, what does he do to be forced over there. All of my ideas have been WAY too scary long term danger "what the fuck" and lose an eye sort of ideas that are definitely too much for this in particular lmfao
Avenoir Acres said: Muse said: Im cool with being moved! Also I am in pre-med myself to go into Forensic pathology and I sometimes kick myself when I think of debt but I love helping people and forensics keeps my mind rolling 1000% of the time lmao
That's SO neat. Another career path I definitely considered but ultimately decided against. That's literally one of the coolest freaking career paths. How did you get into it?
My grandfather is a forensic odontologist and growing up all the stories he would tell me and all the cases he has worked inspired me to look into forensics. I spent a couple of summers at the crime lab when i was in my earlier teens and I am in love with it!

I might take you up on that offer, Rishy. As it looks to be going, I'm going to have some major headaches coming up for the next year for various reasons. It would be nice to let some steam blow when it comes. . Just to clarify, so Rena's current day is a few days later than everyone else's day, right? And the ISC idea is right with me. I'll include them in brief in my next writing. . Sweet! That's a seriously cool branch to go into, by all means. I have a lot of respect for the people of that branch. Mainly because it requires working with passed away people, if I'm not mistaken? Not many people have the stomach for that.