i'm almost done with this rena post. they make me ridiculously sappy and affectionate and eww. i haven't fallen this hard for a pairing in a while lol.
Avenoir Acres said: They're getting an aesthetic board or something. I need to properly dispose of these sappy emotions they fill my heart with lol. Especially before I make my devyn post tonight. Those are two extremes lmao.
[Also, everything is very messy but that's just how it is; and I add whatever catches my fancy at any given time]
yessss. i just added you <3 i will share you to whatever when i get back from the ponies tomorrow. i haven't started working on their board yet but soon. rena is also getting one of her own soon.
i lied. i just shared you to laurence, emily, and katrina. my intention is to work on rena's board and then the rena/alex board tomorrow at some point.
i take too long to decide on a color. that's why i have eleven empty boards for characters. it has to be the right color. if it's not i have to start over. i picked like three colors for emily and i'm still not sure if i like the one i chose. laurence was the only easy one from white oaks.
Avenoir Acres said: i take too long to decide on a color. that's why i have eleven empty boards for characters. it has to be the right color. if it's not i have to start over. i picked like three colors for emily and i'm still not sure if i like the one i chose. laurence was the only easy one from white oaks.
I wish I did colours, might've added a slight bit of cohesion if I had.
if you pick the right color you normally can find exactly the right vibe. i started on green for rena but this brown is really panning out. i'm excited to look at your boards tomorrow. i'm sure i'll have more to say on them once i see them!
Here's mine. I've added Tangle, and who I believe is you, Rishy, but who knows?
Alright. I know absolutely nothing about Willa so I'll assume I made the complete opposite of the right type of character. But, too late. There he is. Anyone that's at all interested in him can reserve him for whatever the hell it is you want to do, I don't mind. Anyhoo. I'll go see if I've got a Dublin reply in me.
I still need to introduce this horse at some point into the role, still not sure when 🤔