Ascension Acres said: Okay! Idea!! Because I actually got more than three hours of sleep last night and now I have an excessive amount of willpower. What if Marley AND Kierstan come along on this town adventure, and Chandler is like instantly attracted to Simon AGAIN, but doesn't really think she knows him first (they wouldn't have talked or know names or anything) and thinks that he is into/dating Marley and therefore absolutely avoids him like the plague? And we're bringing kierstan just to tie up some loose ends? I was actually gonna send him to Vermont, but I feel like that's not happening now lol.
Star Catcher Estate said: So we're not going to Vermont? I'm confused now ;_;
I need to introduce my two bois (the two stallions I made for both Sandra and Heather) in this xD
Ascension Acres said: Okay! Idea!! Because I actually got more than three hours of sleep last night and now I have an excessive amount of willpower. What if Marley AND Kierstan come along on this town adventure, and Chandler is like instantly attracted to Simon AGAIN, but doesn't really think she knows him first (they wouldn't have talked or know names or anything) and thinks that he is into/dating Marley and therefore absolutely avoids him like the plague? And we're bringing kierstan just to tie up some loose ends? I was actually gonna send him to Vermont, but I feel like that's not happening now lol. More than 3 - Yay,Go Rish! Of course!Is there a way to tie Vermont in still?Perhaps the group splits and half explore,the other half go horse hunting? xD
~ Hades ~ said: Wait, who is into/dating Marley Rish, explain a little more, please xD
She means Simon,I'll probably make him stick to Marley like glue as she'll be the only face he knows on the outing.Then Chandler will interpret that how she likes i suppose Lol
Okay lots of questions lol. Vermont - I just felt like yall were losing interest in that storyline. What if we delayed it by like a day, and get there pre-horse show and post-town exploration? That way peeps who bought new horses could show them? Hades - Simon I dunno if there were more questions lol.
Yeah, let's rock that storyline Hades/Flip. Chandler will get mega butthurt and probably hate Marley for no good reason, and just avoid Simon, but I assume eventually it'll all come out in the wash.
If both you two are good with it you know i am. ;P Perhaps a vote on who wants to go Vermont and Who wants to go into town.Orr we can do Rish's idea of different days and vote on that?Keeping all the democracy and all that Lmao
Hows about Kierstan, the whole reason Marley came to be?
What about him? He's going too? That can totally be apart of the drama and maybe Kierstan likes Chandler but Marley likes Kierstan? I feel like we need a circle with arrows pointing to who likes who lol. What a nightmare.
Alright, just tell me who y'all want to like who. I'm gonna go spit out some posts.
Kierstan doesn't know that Marley is here. He could walk past the covered arena and see the familiar woman and horse? Just a quick hey :D