That sounds really good to me! Um, tell me about your boys' background? I'll give some ideas once I know more about them :)
Oh ma gosh |0_0| That's perfect :D
Mhm! My friend showed me that song and oh my lord >.<
I'm blaming you Hades. This is entirely your fault. Entirely. Now I'm on a mission to find songs that fit with my characters and their relationships with specific people >_<
I'm sorry.. I feel bad now.. If I was in her shoes I would be in the mood for endless tears I make everything sad xD
Joking, don't worry :) In my searchings, I found this. Fitting for Astrid right now or not? Believer - Lee Michele
Hmm almost I really am clueless as to how to respond Oh wait Astrid never gives up * knock knock *
It's open. Lol, I always used to say that when someone asked me a knock knock joke.
You not get it...? Gives me a chance to screw everything up perrfectly