I kinda wanna bring a new horse in but I also wanna kinda wait buut eeeeh xD
Haha I found my mums recipe and we have no idea what it makes so I'm nervous XD
I'm gonna put Emily through more torture soon. Absolutely psyched lol, but the poor girl has been through so much. She makes me so sad to write. I don't think she'll ever find happiness. . On another hand, Luke and Laurence both definitely need people to be 'their people,' if anyone has any ideas with existing characters or wants to hear my ideas for new characters please shoot me a PM! Kierstan and Julian also need buddies but are less needy since they have Tristan.
Lorenzo always loves more friends. If you want tl throw someone at him, go for it. But sadly, I've put a character ban on myself for now D:
In the same boat - I just want Tim to be a happy bunny again,But the trouble is sooo addictive. Lol He's always up for new buddies too,Although not exactly social butterfly.
Both of my girls need new buddies to hang with Even though Sandra is gonna force Heather to be more social with people xD
Like I said, Lorenzo is such an extrovert is scary. Always open for interaction :D
Astrid is... somewhat social She'll talk to anybody Lorenzo does
Can I edit how Bjorn looks so it's not as complicated to describe him
Sure :) . . I. Am. Such. An. Idiot. So I was relooking at my OC's shset, and realized I got T'sani's Zeus mixed up (appearance and breed-wise) with the schoolhorse Zeus. WHY