
How exactly should I make the horses. Like just a paragraph or the sign up sheet? Sorry if I'm being like completely stupid. That's kinda how I am 😂 Edited at September 10, 2020 01:46 AM by Palm Beach Stables

No worries :) Schoolhorses would be best in a paragraph, any owned horses should have the sheet.
WO Strike It Big 'Digger' Digger is a gorgeous, lean young OTTB, who obviously got their named changed after racing. Digger is pretty tall at 16.3 hands up looks taller because of his skinny build. Digger has decent muscles for a racehorse, he never did anything special so isn't ultra fit. Digger has a lovely sooty dappled palomino coat with a pearly white mane and tail. Sadly his mane and tail are pretty thin (I'm gonna need to give him some yummy SUPPLEMENTS. Oof sorry. Needed my moment of ultra weirdness.) Digger has a thin blaze down the right side of his face. He also has four low socks. Digger's pretty chill because he's used to the big, noisy crowds. Digger loves to jump and actually jumped out of the racetrack when he was training once (🤣🤣🤣). Digger has soft, smooth gaits that pointnhim the direction of the hunter ring instead of the jumper one. Digger's relatively slow, but was good on the track. WO Sorry Not Sorry 'Derby' Derby is huge, young warmblood stallion. He has no idea what the hek he's doing. Very very very green. Derby is a stocky, big bodied (no, not fat. I'm not using that term. He's not big bodied as in fat. Just like roundish and stocky if that makes any sense at all.) dark dapple grey with hints of white markings on his lower legs. Derby has a lovely fluffy black mane and tail. Derby isn't the brightest (*cough cough* not bright at all...) of them all but has incredible talent and potential. Derby can definitely go slow and be a (horrible horrible horrible disgusting pun coming up) DERBY horse, but instead prefers the sped-up-equitation idea of jumpers. Edited at September 10, 2020 02:15 AM by Palm Beach Stables

Debating scratching current characters and making some newbies to encourage continuing the rp
That's kinda why I was like 'let's bring in some new weirdos' Edited at September 10, 2020 02:22 AM by Palm Beach Stables


Instructor Name: Darragh McDermott Gender: Male Age: 26 Discipline: Eventing Training experience: the McDermotts own a facility in Ireland where they raise, breed, and train livestock and sport horses. Each sibling has a set of tasks within that, and Nessa and Darragh, while exceptionally good riders, were better at training and breaking the young horses than their other siblings, so they were forced to work on the training of the young horses rather than high-level eventing. With both Nessa and Darragh being fearless thrill-seekers, they decided to raise the money to afford to ship a pair of competition horses to wherever would take them, and have decided to take this chance. They have little experience doing any professional training, but they know what to look for and have the patience to coach. Horse: Encuentro MD "Count", Finneas MD "Finn" Father: Albie McDermott Mother: Siobhan McDermott Siblings: Colin (34), Shannon (33), Fallon (33), Nuala (30), Sean (28), Oisin (28), Patrick (28), Cian (28), Aoibh (25), Ronan (23), Nessa (22), Aiofe (22), Niamh (22), Callum (19) Appearance: Darraugh has a square face with a softly shaped jaw, a small nose, small ears, hollow cheeks and thin lips. His light green eyes are wide set, and he has thin eyebrows. He stands at 6'4 with a burly build, muscular arms containing several tattoos on his left bicep. He has rough, calloused hands, a large scar occupying his right hand which he shies from talking about. He has slanted shoulders, long arms, a broad torso, and long legs, and his clothing style is loose-fitting and exotic in color, yet distinctly him. He has a lazy eye, dark hair, which is a disheveled mess, yet quite attractive to most, and his face is accented with stubble. He has a sort of rugged attractiveness that draws people in, and paired with his charming personality, Darraugh is kind of a ladykiller. Personality: Darraugh is poised, charismatic, and diplomatic. He is quite mysterious, but has this quiet softness about him that draws people in. He isn't super social or extroverted, but truly appreciates the beauty of conversation, and enjoys people who appreciate him and make an effort to include him. Perhaps the most alluring of his features is his quaint Irish accent, although his parents have done a good job of raising him with Americanized dialogue so he and his siblings don't use much of the slang of their culture. Likes: dogs, sunlight, money Dislikes: cats, meat, heights Backstory: tbd Romantic status: in a complicated, open relationship GF/BF: isn't really a 'gf', more of a 'friends with benefits' type thing. Her name is Grace Galloway and she is an Irish model. She has been his best friend since college, and they've always had an extremely confusing relationship. Other: . Instructor Name: Nessa McDermott Gender: Female Age: 22 Discipline: Eventing Training experience: he McDermotts own a facility in Ireland where they raise, breed, and train livestock and sport horses. Each sibling has a set of tasks within that, and Nessa and Darragh, while exceptionally good riders, were better at training and breaking the young horses than their other siblings, so they were forced to work on the training of the young horses rather than high-level eventing. With both Nessa and Darragh being fearless thrill-seekers, they decided to raise the money to afford to ship a pair of competition horses to wherever would take them, and have decided to take this chance. They have little experience doing any professional training, but they know what to look for and have the patience to coach. Horse: Nikolas MD "Nik", Parthenon MD "Party" Father: Albie McDermott Mother: Siobhan McDermott Siblings: Colin (34), Shannon (33), Fallon (33), Nuala (30), Sean (28), Oisin (28), Patrick (28), Cian (28), Darraugh (26), Aoibh (25), Ronan (23), Aiofe (22), Niamh (22), Callum (19) Appearance: tall, long, model type figure, long wavy dark hair that falls to her hips, wears a lot of navy and green. Personality: tbd Likes: spunky horses, car rides to unknown destinations, quotes Dislikes: music, consistency, the piano Backstory: tbd Romantic status: Taken, has been in a long distance relationship for seven years after asking Sterlin and his friends to take her picture with her then boyfriend at a tourist attraction in Italy. GF/BF: Sterlin Burns, a 25yo horticulturist who is affectionate, faithful, and jealous. He is 6'4, working towards fulfilling his dreams of being a professional soccer player, and from San Marino. Other: . Rider Name: Callum McDermott Gender: Male Age: 19 Job: N/A Appearance: thinner, tanner, and blonder than his sibs. Is the 'attractive' one [newsflash: they're all pretty cute] but also the nerdy one. Greenish blue eyes, light brown/dirty blond hair. Wears lots of sweaters. Personality: tbd Discipline: Eventing Side discipline (up to 2): N/A Father: Albie McDermott Mother: Siobhan McDermott Siblings: Colin (34), Shannon (33), Fallon (33), Nuala (30), Sean (28), Oisin (28), Patrick (28), Cian (28), Darraugh (26), Aoibh (25), Ronan (23), Nessa (22), Aiofe (22), Niamh (22) Horse: Landmark MD "Markus", Caspian MD "Caspian" Riding level: training level eventing Backstory: same as others, he was dragged along as kind of a "take your brother with you" type thing--he has been the slowest learner out of the sibs. Romantic status: single GF/BF: none Likes: mathematics, pirates, sharks, trains, iguanas, Treasure Island, archery Dislikes: origami, fungi, paper cuts, lamps, cyberbullies Riding experience: is a 'good' rider, but isn't really developed. Like, all the pieces are there, but they haven't been assembled. He doesn't have very good reflexes and has been known to take a tumble fairly often. Preferred school horse: any, idc lol Other: Edited at September 21, 2020 03:38 PM by Avenoir Acres

Show name: Encuentro MD Barn name: Count Gender: Gelding Breed: Sport Horse Age: 14 Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Owner: McDermott Farms, Rider Daraugh McDermott Discipline: Eventing Achievements: has shown internationally with over $80k profits. Other: . Show name: Finneas MD Barn name: Finneas or Finn Gender: Gelding Breed: Sport Horse Age: 6 Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Owner: McDermott Farms, Rider Daraugh McDermott Discipline: Eventing Achievements: nothing except futurity wins for outstanding color and confirmation, has come to the US with Daraugh to gain mileage. Other: . Show name: Parthenon MD Barn name: Party Gender: Gelding Breed: Thoroughbred Age: 8 Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Owner: McDermott Farms, Rider Nessa McDermott Discipline: Eventing Achievements: has almost $30k in winnings as an 8yo, has come to gain more mileage and really achieve his full potential. Other: . Show name: Nikolas MD Barn name: Nik, Nikolas, or Nikki Gender: Gelding Breed: Thoroughbred Age: 13 Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Owner: McDermott Farms, Rider Nessa McDermott Discipline: Eventing Achievements: almost $90k in winnings Other: . Show name: Landmark MD Barn name: Markus or Mark Gender: Gelding Breed: Warmblood Age: 19 Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Owner: McDermott Farms, Rider Callum McDermott Discipline: Eventing Achievements: internationally acclaimed, over $90k in winnings Other: . Show name: Caspian MD Barn name: Caspian Gender: Gelding Breed: Warmblood Age: 15 Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Owner: McDermott Farms, rider Callum McDermott Discipline: Eventing Achievements: over 100k in earnings Other: Edited at September 10, 2020 02:44 PM by Avenoir Acres