
Simon's School Pon: WO Rendition AKA Ren 16yo 15.3hh Sport Horse Gelding [has an overgrown pony look] Ren is a smoky grullo gelding with a shiny, sleek, well-maintained coat. He has dark sooty markings on his back that match his dark-tipped ears and mane/tail. He has inquisitive hazel eyes that watch the world with wonder, and a huge, thick blaze. He has a front right white sock, and one full stocking and one half stocking on his rear legs. He is slender, yet built like a tank. Ren has shown up to training level, but has schooled much bigger. He has a significant fear of water, thus does not go off property much. He won't go in it on XC and despises baths with a passion. Thus, he is famous at the barn for being the go-to clinic horse, he is an absolute pro and will make anyone look good at a clinic. On XC? Will probably end up throwing his rider or eliminating them. Otherwise, extremely intelligent. Knows expansive dressage and has an average showjumping career. Has schooled 1.30m but can clip rails fairly easily. Is the master of gridwork, though, and will jump oxers huge. Edited at May 3, 2020 10:02 PM by Ascent Acres

Instructor Name: Spencer Cooley Gender: Male Age: 40 Discipline: Eventing Training experience: Is currently the #1 rider in the world, the name to know. 2x Olympian, 2x Gold and Bronze medalist. International clinician, family owns and makes millions off of Cooley Acres. Horse: Cooley Fitzpatrick Father: Mother: Siblings: Rhynn + Noah Appearance: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Backstory: Romantic status: GF/BF: Other: . Barn Manager Intern [likes paperwork? not horses] Name: Rhynn Cooley Gender: Female Age: 19 Discipline: Trail Rides lol Training experience: Horse: Cooley Legendary Father: Mother: Siblings(optional) Appearance: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Backstory: Romantic status: GF/BF: Other:

Name: Marley-Roze Dunnar ( Goes by either name, Preferrably Marley ) Gender: Female Age: 23 Job: (optional) Part time small coffee shop barista. Appearance: Marley has a black bob that gets shorter towards the front. Her eyes are a deep brown. She has defined collar bones and stands at 5'4. Personality: Despite her innocent appearance Marley can be a bit of a hassle. She can be kind, but tends to stick to herself. She isn't quiet however, she is far from it. Discipline: Dressage Side discipline (up to 2): Father: Andrew Dunnar Mother: Missy Dunnar Siblings: (optional) Horse: Nirvana Riding level: Experienced Backstory: - Romantic status: Not entirely interested GF/BF: N/A Likes: Dislikes: Riding experience: 6-8 years Preferred school horse: Other: _ Show name: Crazed Everman Barn name: Nirvana Gender: Gelding Breed: Andalusian x Holsteiner Appearance: A pretty typical dun color with black points and slightly darker stripes on his knees. Nirvana has a shorter barrel, perfect for his short rider. Stands at 16.3 hh. Nirvana has a long flowing mane and tail as well as light dappling on his hind quarters. Age: 7 Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Owner: Marley-Roze Dunnar Discipline: Achievements: Other: Edited at May 16, 2020 07:51 AM by ~ Hades ~

Major WIP. Definitely not used to reusing characters, but... I love these babies too much to ignore them, and they haven't gotten enough "screen time" yet ;) RIP my sanity though 'cause I'm redoing their sheets. Their old ones were absolute SHIT. And also now I have to figure out their new timeline e.e I also may have forgotten some of their info and am just uh. redoing it. >.> <.< Name: Jaiza Chestan Gender: Male Age: 20 (Going on 21) Job: N/A unless you count 24-7 hockey obsession Appearance: Personality: I prefer to leave this blank and explore it in the RP. The personalities on my sheets are never what I mean them to be. But basically, Jaiza is, more or less, your stereotypical jock, with a big brother bear thing going for Maizo. He's not exactly optimistic, but he is sort of close to. Discipline: He couldn't stick with one even if it saved his life. Currently into western though. Side discipline: Racing and show jumping are his next two big interests at the moment. Father: Name unknown to him and Zo. Mother: Aleah Chestan. She raised the boys herself as a single mother. Although she still loves and cares for them, she's been growing more distant in recent years. Siblings: Maizo Horse: N/A Riding level: Backstory: Romantic status: Single and open. Wouldn't be hard to get into it with him but anything long-term would take a lot of work to persuade him into. GF/BF: N/A Likes: Hockey, brightness, food, group hang outs, always doing something new Dislikes: Whenever he can't play hockey (it's his life), doing the same thing repetitively, quiet places, being alone Riding experience: Preferred school horse: Don't care Other: waffley icey creamy Name: Maizo Chestan Gender: Male Age: 19 (little on the older end of it) Job: N/A Appearance: Personality: Same as above. But in as few words as possible, Maizo is frustrated with himself and the world and turns that (and more) into a burning hatred for everything. He's snippy, mean, and a total drama-king. He doesn't understand emotions and does his best to make them nonexistent, though they are playing a heavy role in his head, especially nowadays. Discipline: Whatever Jaiza forces him into, really. Can only do guided stuff on the flat, so either style works. He's very disinterested and annoyed when he has to get up on a horse so he's doing his best to not do anything greater. Side discipline: N/A Father: Name unknown to him and J. Mother: Aleah Chestan. Same info as stated above. Siblings: Jaiza Horse: N/A Riding level: Well... He's not good. But he's also not the worst since he's been forced to do it for a long while. Backstory: Romantic status: Single but he's fucked in the head and also hates everybody so good luck tryna get with him. GF/BF: N/A Likes: Darkness, solitude, low noises, little things that get his anger out Dislikes: Light, emotions, basically anything that's alive, blindness, loud noises (sensory overload) Riding experience: Hates it. Hates it tons. Isn't good at it either, but that's more due to him not trying than anything else. Could probably be okay at flatting if he wasn't wishing for death the whole time. Jaiza and their mom pushed him into being with horses when he was pretty young, and the "torture" has continued off and on sparingly up until this point. Preferred school horse: Don't care but they need to be a pon that won't try and kill him 'cause.. you know.. moody blind kid Other: he be a gay boi but he doesn't know because he's never really thought about it nor been into anyone (besides one person, but he didn't realize it. He still acted like he hated him lol). Edited at May 16, 2020 01:30 AM by Amhain Dull Liath

Name: Aodhan Hollin Gender: Male Age: 23 Job: Worship leader, church staff Appearance: Aodhan has short, curly black hair which clings to his head, seeming to fall over to one side, but is not really an undercut, it just *happens* naturally. He has a heavy dusting of facial hair which is as dark as his hair, and is pressed against a peach-colored hue of skin with no freckles or otherwise. He has these really bright blue, teal colored eyes which pop against his dark hair, and a tall stature. He is lightly toned but not really a gym worshipper, just ridiculously high-energy. He wears a lot of skater-style clothing. Personality: Aodhan is bubbly, friendly, and just generally stupid. Constantly high-energy. His mantra is "stupid 4 Jesus" and he really is. He is the kind of guy who attracts everyone to him in a room. Discipline: Showjumping Side discipline (up to 2): N/A Father: Jon Hollin Mother: Renee Hollin Siblings: Brooke y Sasha Horse: he doesn't own one Riding level: Brooke, his sister, is an SJ trainer and took a job at his second college after he got kicked out of the first one. He rode in college and it's kind of a basic hobby for him like someone else would have baking or something. He does it sometimes. When he actually shows, he shows in the 1.0/1.10 stuff, but he rarely does. It's more for fun. He's the kind of guy who can get on after not riding for six months and ace a 3' course. Backstory: Transferred out here to help Chandler with the church. They met at a conference a long time ago, had a fling, but became friends instead of acting on it. They are now best friends and inseperable. Romantic status: single GF/BF: open Likes: skateboarding, church, Jesus, dad jokes, annoying people, partying, mingling Dislikes: bears, pizza ("too" american), non-Australians, being considered smart Riding experience: above Preferred school horse: any Other: waffles + ice cream Edited at May 18, 2020 12:34 PM by Ascension Acres

Name: Felix Jones Gender: Male Age: 18 Job: Stable Hand Appearance: - dark brown roots, mohawk dyed purple - greenish-blue eyes - pale skin - stands at 6 foot - often wears dark clothing, tight jeans are a favorite - tattoos along his back and right shoulder - scar running through his right eyebrow [will post pics and deets soon] *Drawings (c) Me, Fleur, 294151* Personality: He's a quintessential bad boy, very much in denial. He has a soft side but doesn't let it show. Harsh words are met with verbal and sometimes physical pushback. (I will expose more personality in the RP but I'm too lazy to write it out here) Discipline: Dressage Side discipline (up to 2): none :3 Father: Joel Mitchell Mother: Eliza Jones Siblings: N/A Horse: N/A Riding level: Intermediate Backstory: Felix is recently out of rehab for substance abuse (alcohol). He has relatively rich and not very watchful parents, and he abused and used their finances for his own gain. He likes horses to an extent, and he's a good rider, but he never found a joy in it as he was forced into the sport. He doesn't have a horse of his own because he (a) didn't want one and (b) his parents dont trust him with an expensive animal. He's essentially at White Oaks because his parents paid for him to go somewhere relatively secluded and away from his bad friend group (also away from them :| ) Romantic status: Single :3 (feel free to try and snag his love...it won't be easy) GF/BF: None atm (he a moody boy) Likes: Hard rock, punk, metal. Piercings, tattoos, alcohol. His hair. Dislikes: Most people, churches, pop music, pressure, being told what to do. Riding experience: [specified above. He used to show when he was in his tweens and early teens] Preferred school horse: dUNNO TANGLE NEED HELP Other: wafflies and the frozen cream *nervous chuckle* ehe eh eeeee Dear god I need help Mod edit: Art of human faces is not allowed on HEE Edited at August 4, 2020 09:49 PM by Jericho Stables

I can whip up a ponely if ya want?
Allrright Tangle, the bad boy is finisheddd