
Accepted Raven :) And yep, Kahn is taken (everyone seems to want him lol) but I will use that to base Payton's schoolhorse off.
I just wanted him cause hes tall tbh But tank u for accepting me <3 Edited at April 15, 2020 02:35 AM by Ladybird Estate

Rider . Name: Alexander Littlewood Gender: Male, heterosexual Age: 19 Job: N/A Appearance: Alex is a brown-haired young man with long, slightly gangly looking legs. Standing at 1.9 metres, he's slightly taller than average. His floppy dark hair hangs slightly over his eyes, cut in a short messy fringe. His legs are long in proportion compared to his body, while his feet seem massive. Quite the joker, a dry smile almost always sports his high-cheekboned face. Alex has a slight build and slim shoulders, an almost feminine build. His face is angular and sharp, with grey-green eyes and high cheekbones. Personality: Alex is a cunning, mischievous guy. He can be quite charming if he's in the mood, but is more depressing than a personal rainclouds at time. He enjoys being around people, but despises any kind of fake friendship making. He makes friends like some make enemies, but many of them are more distant aquaintances. Surprisingly, he has an astounding memory. He comes across as a joker, but it slowly losing himself in the facades of himself he's created for others to see. Only his true friends actually know who he truely is. Can mood swing rather quickly. Discipline: Racing primarily, enjoys trying others though Side discipline: Eventing, Hunters Father: Kian Littlewood Mother: Cara Littlewood Siblings: Kyra Littlewood, Matthias Littlewood Horse: N/A Riding level: Fairly experienced, nothing hectic though. Backstory: Alex's dad left when he was 12, saying that he was simply going to the shops. He never returned. He was never super close to him, so it didn't affect him very badly, but his mother took it hard. She fell into a deep depression, making Alexander have to carry the home emotionally. This laterturned out to be mild bipolar combined with chronic fatigue and anxiety. He dropped out of school at 16, eventually finishing his education through online courses a few months ago. Romantic status: Single, and meaning to keep it that way GF / BF: N/A Likes: dark chocolate, ice cream cones, the sound of crickets in summer evenings, misty and dewy weather, new numnahs, late night parties Dislikes: mud, riding in heavy rain, being bullied, patronizing people, fake modesty or kindness Experience: Been riding since he was 7. He's won quite a few shows, almost making it to Horse Of The Year. He fell short though, as he took a bit of a confidence hit just before the last qualifying show. Preferred schoolhorse: Whatever he gets :) Other: Waffles with icecream

Should I make another character..??

Name: Lorenzo Bianci, Enzo affectionately Gender: Male, heterosexual Age: 27 Discipline: He's the stand-in trainer for any English disciplines, but specialises in endurance. Will probably try to round up a polo team :) Training experience: Lorenzo has trained at various riding schools, for about four years now. Horse: Broken Zodiac Mother: Nikita Bianci Father: Emilio Bianci Siblings: Two, none in roleplay Appearance: Lorenzo is bronze-skinned with dark features. He has a stocky build, but is by no means fat. His black wavy hair frames his rounded facial structure with soft protruding cheekbones. Everything about him is gentle; from his amber eyes to kind dimples. He has thick black hair that is trimmed neatly at the sides, with an almost shaven beard and small moustache. His eyes are round and large, with highly set eyebrows giving him an eternally surprised expression. Personality: Lorenzo is a cheerful, naturally dramatic man. He speaks mainly with his hands, eyes and facial expression. He's very chilled with just about everything, coming across as extremely relaxed. He does actually stress about endurance races and other lesser things, but overall, he's a calm happy dude. He is extremely trusting and gullible. Might add more here once I roleplay him. Likes: baking, cooking, food in general, burgers, poetry. Soccer. Oh yes. He will set an alarm for 3am to watch a soccer match. He supports Liverpool and Real Madrid. Dislikes: paella, opera, dancing in general Backstory: Lorenzo grew up in a happy, comfortable home. His parents were middle-class working, but they never stressed about money. Grew up in Madrid, Spain. Romantic status: Single, much to his disappointment. GF / BF: N/A Other: Devout Lutheran & waffles with ice cream. He also owns a chicken named Joe. . Horse . Show name: Broken Zodiac Barn name: Gemini Gender: Gelding Breed: Hispano-Árabe × Criollo Appearance: Gemini is a red roan sabino gelding with wide-set eyes and a hogged mane. He stands at 15 hh, with well-muscled legs and a slight Arabian head. He has a wide blaze running down his forehead, and a wall eye. His hind legs are covered in white, halting at the belly. The sabino pattern twists in thin speckles on his stomach and chest. Age: 13 Personality: Gemini is a rather antisocial grouch of a horse, but absolutely adores chickens and people he knows. He occasionally takes an immediate liking to someone, but this is rather rare. He also loooves little kids. Gem is quite fussy and gets bored easily, so he needs to be kept working and active. Likes: chickens, mud, rolling Dislikes: other horses Owner: Lorenzo Bianci Discipline: Typically endurance, but can do most disciplines bearably well. Not amazingly, though. Oh, and polo. Achievements: Coming 2nd in 500mile race, 1st in 250 mile race, and 3rd in a hundred mile race. He does best with long distances, although he has come in the top ten for shorter onces as well. Other: Waffles with ice cream. He has a buddy name Joe, who happens to be a chicken. Joe always travels with him to shows and stays near him in a barn. Edited at April 15, 2020 12:29 PM by Tanglewood


Name: Astrid Elliot Gender: Female Age: 26 Appearance: Astrid has shoulder length hair with deep brown tips. Her jaw line is very defined and her face is heart shaped. She has freckles running from cheek to cheek and has dimples whenever she smiles which is almost all the time. Her cheek bones are also defined. Astrids eyes are a deep brown color and her skin is a medium tan. She stands at 5'6 and has a slightly more curved body shape. Astrid weighs 82kg. Personality: Astrid is a very gentle and fun loving gal. She enjoys her trail rides in quiet but will sometimes bring her heavy metal with her. Astrid is somewhat goth but is also into bright colors and experimenting. She is elegant but also rough. Astrid doesn't always feel a lot of sympathy. Discipline: Cross Country Side discipline (up to 2): Western, Jumping Father: Unknown Mother: Safiyah Elliot Horse: He Whom Cried Wolf ( Bjorn ) Riding level: Experienced Backstory: Astrid used to live in a small Danish village with her mother and her aunt. Her village didn't evolutionise until later in her life. Astrid adored riding the town drafts and was always out in the field helping with the plowing. She moved to America when she was 25 and has loved it ever since. Romantic status: Single, not really ready to mingle, is moderately asexual. GF/BF: Nope Likes: Kind spirited people. Dislikes: People who push at her. Riding experience: 10+ years. Other: Waffles with icecream Show name: He Whom Cried Wolf Barn name: Bjorn Gender: Stallion Breed: Thoroughbred He stands at 17.2 hh Age: 3 Personality: Gentle, calm, obedient, loving, can be mare crazy, slightly obsessive. Likes: Astrid, dem mares, jumping. Dislikes: Ponies, he absolutely loathes them. Owner: Astrid Elliot Discipline: Cross Country Achievements: Astrid has just started training him this year. He placed 3rd in his first event with a time of 37.8 seconds. Other: Waffles with ice cream Edited at April 15, 2020 05:55 AM by ~ Hades ~

Ladybird Estate said: Another one tangle?Geez
I have a slight obsession...

Name:Leo Dark Gender:Male Age:18(amost 19) Job: (optional)Nope no job Appearance:Has short blond hair crystal blue eyes Personality:Some what shy,girls like him alot,has a German accent,love animals Discipline:barrrel racing Side discipline (up to 2):Cross country and Westen Father:Naten Dark(Famous barrel racer Mother:Leep Dark Siblings: (optional)No siblings Horse:London River Riding level: Advanced Backstory:Traveled with his father and mother Romantic status:(I don't know yet) GF/BF:Not yet Likes:Horses,Music,and Wolfs Dislikes:Rude people Riding experience:A lot Preferred school horse:Don't carw Other:Waffles and Ice cream Show name:London River Barn name:London Gender:Female Breed: Thoroughbred Appearance:(Looks like my mare in my barn)Silver Smokey Roan Wight Frame with dark blue eyes Age:4 Personality:Loyal shy around new people Likes:Apples,other horses,and Leo Dislikes:Nothing Owner:Leo Dark Discipline:Barrle racing Achievements:World class bravey Other: Waffles and Ice cream Edited at April 15, 2020 07:27 AM by Wild style
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