
iris iris left her den and stretched out in the sun. She sighed and feel asleep. Blade Blade looked up as scar left. he followed ata safe distance. Seeing the female he waited to see what scar would do. When he questioned the female blade waited for her answer.
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Maeve ~ The female wolf immediately froze in the sight of the male wolf mix. He was big, and intimidating to say the least, but also quite handsome, she figured that by the way he carried himself that he was most likely the Alpha of the pack she has smelt. Maeve blamed her head courteously before looking up again, her ears back a bit, "Excuse me for the intrusion, I have been staying here for a while now and have never smelt or heard your...pack around. I was intrigued so I came to figure out who you wolves were." She spoke wistfully and gently. Trying not to seem like she opposed a threat, she sat on her haunches, not breaking eye contact with the male. "My name is Maeve, who are you exactly?" She head cocked with slight interest as the light wind brushed through her fur.

Blade Blade stood in the shadows. He was downwind so neither the female nor scar would smell him. He watched as the female studied scar. Then he listened to her response to scar's question.
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Flutter Flutter caught sight of Blade watching Scar. Silently, Flutter crept to his side. She gave him a look that meant 'What are you doing?' She caught sight of the female wolf and Scar and turned her head to watch them too.

Scarred Thorn +++ Scar's pelt bristled slightly.. he had the feeling he was being watched. He smoothed out his hackles and proceeded to look as non-threatening as possible while still maintaining an air of confidence. Scar sat as well, tilting his head. "I am Scarred Thorn, the Alpha of the pack you smelled. There has been more than one wandering wolves that came onto this territory, so don't worry about being kicked off anytime soon. It is obvious I haven't proven to be a terrifying foe. If I may ask, how long do you plan on staying?" Scar inquired
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Maeve - The elegant female made sure to duck her head respectively as another female came to join Scarred Thorn, the apparent Alpha of the pack in which Maeve had smelt. With her ears swivled forward Maeve spoke gently once more, keeping her eyes to to ground, "I have been living on this land since I was a pup, if you and your pack doesn't mind I would like to stay on it.". She wasn't necessarily going to ask if she could join their pack as that may be rude...? As she was indeed a lone wolf, and some pack wolves found that to be slightly disturbing or disgusting even. " I will be careful not to get in the way, I have been getting along nicely with hunting and resources. I only really eat from a carcass every two days as I have grown myself to not need food as often." Now she was just jabbering, like she always did when she was nervous...

(Flutter came up next to Blade, not Scar (I think), just pointing it out lol) +++ Scarred Thorn Scar sniffed the air a little, not catching any scent but still feeling as if he ws being watched. Not like it mattered, because it was probably one of his packmates. He wondered why they didn't just... come out of the bushes. They didn't have to hide. Scar turned his glittering crimson eyes to the petite female in front of him, the tip of his tail flicking as he spoke. "I'm sure none of us will mind, least not I. The land is plentiful with bounty, and I'm sure one more wolf that has been here a while will continue not making any difference." He replied, finally giving up and standing, walking over to the bushes. "Blade, Flutter, you can come out you know." Scar snorted a bit wryly before turning to Maeve. "You don't have to worry about prey. Stay as long as you'd like, and if you need anything, you can come to us." He stated, feeling confident that if this female turned out to be aggressive he could easily send her the other way.
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Blade "sorry scar. Didn't want to scare her." Blade said his eyes sparkling with mischeif. He looked around scar at the female. But he kept his mouth shut.
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Flutter Flutter turned around, still wondering about the new female wolf. Distracted, she tripped over a tree root and fell head-first into a berry bush. "Pffft." She blew the leaves out of her face, the twiggy branches poking her side. "How lucky am I, " Flutter muttered to herself as she crawled out of the bush. She shook her pelt to get rid of the leaves and started to walk back. "Ow!" Flutter looked at her paw. A thorn was stuck in it. Annoyed at her incredible bad luck, Flutter gently pulled it out and tried not wince as she walked. That'll teach me to be curious about something again. Or not.

Bo sniffed the air, he layed under a spruce tree by the river, Trian rested above him on a branch. Bo smelt a new wolf, "another?" He said, his ears pressed against his skull. Bo stood, Trian awoke at the sense of his movement and followed, flapping in the air. Bo howled and ran towards the Pack. Bo entered the clearing, his jaws were slavered in blood, from a small snack he got when he was running, a nice fat rabbit.