(no prob) frostbite snarled her growl deepned she stood tall her head down ready to lunge if they do something she wasnet the tipe fro the first move shes to smart for that
Vindaria Female/Protector
Vinda's eyes were trained carefully on the two dogs as they spoke with Scar, and she started forward slightly as he hoisted himself up, despite the fact that it must hurt. What was the situation? Her eyes narrowed as she read the three canine's body languages, then relaxed slightly. It was simply a conversation. Suddenly her ear flicked to the side, and she turned her head, lifting her nose to the air and scenting carefully. Then her eyes widened. Coyotes. Close. She turned, glancing back at Scar in undecision. But if she told him.. wouldn't he attempt to force himself into another problem? She couldn't let him do that. He was wounded enough, and while he might feel as if he were invincible, she knew otherwise. Her gaze shifted back to the canines as she quietly slipped into the forest, her pale eyes not leaving them until she had reached the shadows, then she spun and raced into the underbrush, speeding towards the threat. For another scent was there... and it was not coyote. And whoever it was, would need help.
frostbite doged when the coyote lunged she griped it sruff with her teeth it yelped and swung away from her two more came at her shee doged around the trees the three coyotes smashed into each outher she cept up with her tattciks (spelling is dead) the coyotes got up mad one pinned her to the ground belly up she dug her hind legs into its belly and sent it flying
Scarred Thorn Alpha Male While Scar was waiting for a response he noticed Vindaria slip off into the forest. This heightened his senses, alerting him to something being possibly wrong, and when he sniffed again, the stench of coyotes drifted through the air. Scar's hackles immediately flew up as he, frighteningly quick for his condition, darted off into the woods. He went towards the sounds of the fight, seeing Frostbite and Vinda fighting. Scar immediately, without the hesitation he should've had, without thinking about the pain, threw himself into the brawl. He grabbed one coyote by the back and literally flung it across the clearing, his size used to his advantage. Two more sprung up at him, but Scar snarled and bodyslammed one into a tree, where it lay limp, biting the neck of the other and hearing a loud crack.
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Vindaria Female/Protector
Vinda charged through the forest, bursting into a small clearing just as a coyote gave a yelp and was flung away from a pitch black wolf, who already had bite marks scarring her fur. With a snarl, not questioning, Vinda leapt into the fray, pouncing on a coyote as it raced towards the other wolf, intercepting it and throwing it away. It hit a rock and did not get up again. She spun as she heard another approaching her from behind, then staggered as a large weight thumped into her back, almost bringing her down. Swiftly she spun around, her teeth searching for skin. Gripping the coyote's shoulder, she bit down hard, yanking the yipping canine off her back and slamming him into the ground, just as two more slammed into her from opposite sides, making her gasp for breath, her vision suddenly blurring slightly. And then, like a whirlwind, Scar leapt out of the brush, charging three coyotes and sending them flying. For a moment she felt worried, but she didn't have time to, as another wave of coyotes charged her. Strengthening her stance, she leapt at them, tackling one midair and snarling as she searched for his throat.
Scarred Thorn Alpha Male Regardless of his rather bum leg Scar was still an experienced, deadly fighter. He whirled at another coyote and snapped his powerful jaws down on its leg, throwing it away. Three more shot towards him, their razor sharp teeth slicing at his coat. One found his leg, causing him to snarl in pain and snap around. With a powerful blow he killed that one instantly, slamming down on the other two. With yelps, whines, and cries of pain, the coyotes slowly backed away- the ones that were still living. Bodies littered the clearing as well. There were probably almost 20 coyotes in all, including the dead. As they retreated Scar glared after them, shaking his now blood-stained coat and lifted his head. He watched for a moment before the pain really started in... adrenaline had protected him that far, but now he was in for a beating.
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(I loved Fantasy Horses idea to do a blog about my character, so here is a Work in Progress blog about Scar! Link)
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frostbite jumped onto a coyote rolling for a secound she bit its leg hearing a loud crunch she broke it the coyote ran into the woods whining the others followed frostbite growled at them as they ran off one of them tried to fight her before he left she lunged at a flying pace her jaws finding it throught before it could get hers she spat blood onto the groud she didnt know if it was hers or the coyotes
Vindaria Female/Protector
Vinda pushed the other two coyotes off of her, letting out a roar of pain as one managed to get a good bite in on her shoulder, and whirling violently to throw them away. Then she charged after them, snapping her jaws on one throat, and then grabbing the other and slamming it into a tree, turning to view the rest of the coyotes... fleeing. She paused to take a breath, letting her guard down slightly, and a sudden sneaky coyote leapt out of the brush, clamping his jaws on her leg. She let out a roar of pain and snapped her jaws down, grabbing the coyote hard on it's scruff and it let out a yelp, releasing her leg, just in time to be thrown with violence against a tree, it's mistake causing it to never get up again. Vinda let out an angry hiss of pain, at herself and the coyote. She should have known better than to let her guard down. Ignoring the blood seeping from the bite, she padded over to the other two wolves, limping very slightly, but masking it as much as possible. As she neared them, her eyes zeroed in on Scar, a worried look flashing into them. He really shouldn't have come... he was supposed to be resting!! At this point he'd just run his body down so much he wouldn't be able to get back up for a week! She opened her mouth to berate him, then shut it, glancing down at her own wounded leg. It could have been worse. There had been a lot of coyotes. Looking back up to Scar, she gave a nod of her head. "Thank you for coming" she said swiftly, then glanced over, suddenly remembering the black wolf whom she'd been fighting for. "Are you badly hurt at all?" she questioned.
frostbite looked at the wolf "im fine.....you?" she said shaking her head