frostbite jumped up with a growl she shook her thick fur her ears laying back she let her ears come up when the male spoke "frostbite" she said before shaking her head
(XD IK i was thinking that same thing lol, unfortuantely, duty calls lol)
Vindaria Female/Protector
Vinda smiled and gave a slight nod "I can imagine so" she said sincerely. Although it may not have seemed so, she had listened when he had spoken of his past trials... the bear included. "Of course, no one should ever wish to harm another living creature without it being necessary" she swiftly said, then snorted, amusment sparking in her gaze. "WELL it WAS figurative" she said with a slight smile then nodded, her own pale gaze soft. "I meant every word" she said just as quietly. Then suddenly as he began to get up, her eyes widened and she sprang to her paws as well, opening her mouth to tell him to lay down, as his leg could in no way take more that day, then shutting it again with a sigh. He had a very serious determined expression on his face, and she had a feeling it wouldn't bring any good to attempt to stop him, so she instead padded behind him for a ways, scenting the air and frowning. Had her senses dropped that severely since she had returned to the pack that she hadn't noticed a strange wolf? Although in retrospect, so many of the wolves she had seen around were new, she most likely would not have thought anything of it. She started forward as she saw Scar move towards the forest, then stopped herself. He had not invited her along, and she did not wish to follow him around like some sort of puppy. Obviously their talk was done for the time being, and he had other things to take care of. He was the Alpha, for goodness sakes, and he could take care of himself. But still... she moved to the edge of the camp and lay down in the shadows, keeping her eyes trained on the path he had taken, ears alert. Although in her mind, a small voice was telling her that she was being awfully clingy, but she battled it, speaking firmly to herself "I'm a protector, therefore i protect any of my pack that strays beyond the borders of the camp, and it is not stalking to wait for them to return safely" she growled to herself, turning her attention back to the wood. If anything went wrong out there... she'd be the first to know about it.
frost bite shook her pelt no wolf was talking she didnt whant to sit there in silent and have a bunch of wolves stare at her
Scarred Thorn Alpha Male Scar stood still, observing these two. How had he failed to realize they were here? And what made Bo think to just... do nothing? "Frostbite. Well, what are you doing here, not rudely? I have not seen you around these parts before." He said, knowing he needed to deal with this matter beforehand. Scar noticed she looked injured, which bent his resolve around not letting her right in. "If you need a place to stay for a couple nights, we have open dens." He commented carefully, immediately thinking about staying up all night and making sure nothing went wrong. They did have pups in the pack.
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Bo sat protectively beside Flick, watching scar carefully, Trian fluttered near the entrance of the cave and Bo continued to stare at scar, ready to protect Flick if he tried to kick her out.
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frostbite nodded "no im not from around here " she said siting up and shaking her head "thank you for your offer i might stay for a day " she said flicking her white ear at bo
Scarred Thorn Alpha Male Scar put a little less pressure on his back leg- it was actually quite painful to stand there. He nodded at her words, making a quick decision- if Bo wanted to sit here and hold his head in the clouds with the ladies, then Bo could defend himself if one of these two decided to attack. Scar really did have to resist the way Bo was sitting right next to the other female, staring at Scar like *if you look at her I will tear you to shreds*. +Other males that are not me+ he thought with a silent scoff, turning and limping out. He went straight back towards camp, seeing Vindaria laying at the entrance. "Sheesh, what did you think was going to happen? I'm flattered you care, however." He joked, although he did know it was her job to be a protector, so that's what she was going to do. "I wonder where Aspen is.. she hasn't come back in a while." Scar mused, looking out at the woods, where a faint scent trail carrying Aspen's scent had disappeared.
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frostbite backed out of the crowded cave when she got out she when to the river to take a drink she waded in to her chest wincing a little she then when to hunt sniffing out a nice rabbit den she came back with 3 rabbits and a duck she droped two of the rabbits and the duck in a pile in the middle of the pack then going and laying by a tree to eat
Vindaria Female/Protector
Vinda stayed alert as the time slid by, scenting the air now and then. Suddenly the scent of Scar grew stronger, but she stayed laying down, suddenly feeling embarrassed for having taken such a position right at the entrance. She was about to hope he wouldn't see her, when he looked straight at her and spoke. She flattened her ears sheepishly, raising to her paws and padding into camp after him "Well considering you just got ambushed by three other wolves, I figured anything could happen" she retorted, then simmered down at his comment, smiling slightly, then glancing around. Who was Aspen? "Am I having a mind blank, or did Aspen join sometime when I wasn't here?" she tentatively questioned.
Scarred Thorn Alpha Male Scar let out a low snort at her sad excuse, shaking his thick fur. "I did not get ambushed by anyone. If anything, I ambushed them." He answered, turning towards the camp entrance againto look out towards the woods. "Oh- oh yes, she did join when you were gone. Sorry. In any case, I might... well..." He hesitated. Should he go after her? It would hurt, but he didn't care. Still, if she just wanted some time alone, it wouldn't be helpful. Plus Aspen was an adult- she could take care of herself. Scar made the decision to wait, but if Aspen didn't come back within an hour, he was going after her. He went to what was probably now known as his pine tree, laying down near it, to watch the entrance.
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