
Name: Cyrus (Meanings: Sun, King) Age: 5 years Rank: Mane Male, Pride Leader Species: Lion Height: 3 feet 9 inches Weight: 552 pounds Length: 7.9 feet Defects: None Pride: Sisters Step Pride Personality(opt.): Cyrus is loud and joking with a playful attitude he never really grew up out of. He likes to tease others and have fun, although he can grow solemn and quieter when necessary. He is quite witty about his ways, but he can get ahead of himself quickly, and definitely has anger issues in some form of the words. He never gets mad with lionesses, but with rogue lions he can get infuriated quickly and go in over his head. Thankfully, because of his great size, it usually ends okay for him, but his hot-headed temper and shut off switch to his brain do not help in every situation. He can be a little prideful, but a quick word from someone will remind him that he isn't the center of the universe. Looks: Cyrus is a light brown, a sandy color with an even lighter mane. He has unusual light blue eyes that stand out in a crowd, but in his idea they should since he's the king of the pride. He has long, sharp claws and sharp teeth, and a well muscled yet still lean bodyframe. Despite his size, as one of the biggest male lions on the savanna, he is still quite swift... and this has helped him in many fights. He has a few scattered scars here and there, the most prominent being a long one down his right hip. Extra: N/A
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(Okie cool, Accepted! Alsosorry guys that i'm always slow haha i usually have to play on my tv... Which can be frustrating! Ghost Light, Yeah we can pretty much start now! :D)

Farleap went out to hunt, she found a nice chunky Zebra, yet old so it was easy. She snuck up on it and jumped it, it didn't take long for her sharp teeth to sink in deep, once it had dropped Farleap licked her canins, cleaning them before dragging the Zebra back to the Sisters step, She dropped it's leg near the rock and sat next to it, her long tail curling around her as she looked proud "Cyrus Mane, I've brought food back for the pride! Do you want me to just leave it here?" She asked, side glancing at Twilin tosee what she was up to Edited at March 27, 2024 11:48 PM by Hyrule_Stables

The sandy colored male was lounging on a hot rock, soaking up the sunlight. The breeze was just right and everything was SO WARM. He rolled onto his side with a sigh of pleasure. Although Cyrus knew he'd have to get up rather soon he wanted to enjoy it while he could. No one talking to him, no hunts going on, no hyenas, and no invading nomad males were all rare things to happen at once. So Cyrus was glad he was getting the rest. He perked his short ears as he heard a familiar voice, then rolled onto his belly, his tail twitching as he saw the lioness. "You can leave it there, that's fine. We still have some meat from the last hunt, so we shouldn't need to eat this right away. The savanna has been prosperous." Cyrus answered with a slight cheery tone, in a good mood. He stood and hopped down from the rock, stretching before shaking his mane and looking around. ++++++++ A dark brute of a Lion stalked forward in the tall grass, his heavy body low to the earth, his amber eyes fixed on a food source. He slowly crept closer, his claws retracted to muffle any sound, his lips curled to further gather scent. Then, quickly, in a single bound, he leaped forward towards the unsuspecting animal, his claws sliding out and his jaws opening. The male bit down hard, hearing a Crack, and thankfully, it was over. This time he had managed to get the food easily, but not all times. This Lion was Ares, a loner, a rejected male that had run for his life as soon as he grew old enough. His pride, like many did, was going to have the Mane Male EAT him, just because he was male himself. Ares lifted his head, his jaws dripping with blood red. It was a good thing he got away. Now he was the biggest Lion on the savanna, and capable of fighting off any predator. His scars proved he had been in many battles, and his blind eye proved that even through pain he could persevere and win. Ares was a survivor. After eating a meal he wandered closer to the territory he knew was the Sisters Step Pride land, but he didn't care. He may want to avoid other lions if possible, but he wasn't running from them.
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Shade | Prideless Lioness | Mentions: Open A large obisidian black lioness would be eating her meal that she caught, an Adolescent male Zebra. Her mouth would be covered in blood when she raised her head, looking around while her turfed ebony mane looked well kept for the most part. She usually got mistaken for a lion which the lioness didn't seem offended by it all since she's bigger than a normal sized lioness. Some of her meal was almost bones, continuing to fill her belly until she felt full. Shade left the half finished carcass by itself, leaving it for the scavangers to feast on it. The lioness looked over to where the Sisters Step is, letting out a very low growl with a flick of her tail before walking off to the direction of the water source to grab a drink, dispite hating the fact that she has to cross into pride territory to get it.

Ares lifted his russet red head, his dark amber eyes glowing as he stared at the pride land, his tail flicking. He then slowly moved away, a low growl emitting from his throat. They weren't the lions that had thrown him out, but they were still a stupid pride. They didn't care about anyone but themselves. Thought they were so much better because they were a pride... but mostly the Mane male. Usually they were rude and conceited. Ares had never personally met the Mane male of the Sisters Step pride, but he would soon. He wasn't going to stay off their territory just because they wanted him to. He wouldn't go looking for a fight, but he would meet a fight head on. Ares stalked towards the area, breathing in the scent of the marked line then crossing it. The closest watering hole was right inside their edge, so unless they wanted to fight him, they shouldn't care. His thick shoulders rolled easily as he walked towards the water, only pausing when he noticed another lion. No, a lioness. Bigger than a normal lioness, but still way smaller than him. If they ignored him, he would easily ignore them- he didn't want a fight and he didn't really want to talk. He continued down to the edge of the hole and glanced into the water before drinking some. Afterwards he raised his dripping muzzle and let his almost crimson gaze scan the surrounding area, his muscular body still.
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twilin turned her black head and stalked through the tall grass not making a sound as she pounced on a wildebeast taking it out quickly with a snap of its neck she took it back to the stisters step and layed it in the prey pile before laying in the sun to clean to blood of her paws she turned her head to catch the glance of furleap before laying down and watching the sunset Edited at March 28, 2024 04:43 PM by ghost light stables

Shade | Prideless Lioness | Mentions: Ares (ind), Open The large obsidian black lioness crouched down, already drinking some water to quench her thirst. She paused when she heard movement, having her to look up to see another lion but he was on the other side of the watering hole. Her ears laid back but chose to ignore the lion, as much as she could anyway as she goes back to drinking some of the water but the large lioness kept mental notes of the Lion's presence. Shade finished drinking the water before carefully cleaning her bloodied muzzle then she raised her head, water dripping from her muzzle as the lioness carefully looked around. She felt tense, she hated being in pride territory but she hasn't gotten into trouble for crossing into their land but she knew that her luck would run out eventually. Shade looked over at the large lion one last time, not sparing him another glance before heading off, walking into the tall grass to slink away, probably off to find somewhere to rest and hopefully relax.

Farleap nodded gracefully still proud before replying in her English accent "Eh, yes. I can see we already have food, but we can never have TOO much food. Especially with the drought that my grandmother had predicted before she-..." For the first time Farleap went silent mid-conversation, she still grieved the loss of her elderly grandmother deep down and mentioning her had brought up the memories. She thought for a moment refusing to let her emotions get the best of her before forcing a laugh to look bubbly "am I wrong?" She joked before getting up as Cyrus came down "I'm going to the watering hole. I'll be back later" She said as she turned and went out of the pride. Farleap stopped at the waters edge and took a sip, She growled when she heard the grass rustling (When Shade left) she stopped as the noise went away. Her pretty green gaze scanned around the water until she spotted the huge rogue Lion, not too sure what to do Farleap lowered her body closer to the ground, her claws were ready just in case, and her muzzle curled slightly "You there, who are you and what are you doing here!? This is pride territory you know! Under the protection of Cyrus Mane and his huntress's! So unless you are here to fight for the pride's territory i suggest you leave" Farleap spoke standing tall and hiding any ounce of fear Edited at March 29, 2024 10:43 PM by Hyrule_Stables

Cyrus nodded, inclining his head. "I agree. Great point to make." He answered, thinking about the truth of that statement. They could very well run out of food easily, since hunting would become much harder. He lowered his head slightly in silence for her loss, waiting until she spoke again. When she did he smiled, slightly ruefully. "Not in the slightest." He answered, in lining his head curtly at her next words. "Sounds good." He answered, sauntering to a small puddle and lapping a few sips of water. - Ares lifted his head as the obsidian lioness noticed him, but she didn't do anything so he was content with doing nothing. He drank a little more before walking a little ways away and sitting down, the tip of his tail flicking. His amber gaze trailed around the watering hole, catching the eye of another lioness that had shown up quickly. She seemed already angry, so he decided not to speak first, his steely eyes surveying her as she growled at him. His mane ruffled slightly in the wind, and his giant, almost skillet sized paws barely moved. Well, proved his point. All pride lions and lioness's were rude and conceited. "Cyrus, eh?" He asked slowly, his deep gravelly voice not conveying much emotion. "I will not fight unless provoked, but I also don't find a reason to leave. Water is essential for living, and I have as much of a right to this water as you. The difference is you decide to claim it as your own and I don't. You may try and drive me away if you like." He stared drily, sounding the slightest bit amused. "Oh and by the way, to answer your question, my name is Ares and I am drinking." A small smile curled onto his lips, his fangs glinting.
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