
Cypress turned and glanced at the dogs reuniting- it was a sad feeling. He was glad that Denali and Raina had dogs that cared about them... but it only reminded Cypress of how he had no one. He turned with a sigh and stalked away, walking into the grass of a field and then behind a tree. He did his business and left it, wandering but not going to far. Cypress cocked his head and looked at the sky, closing his eyes. This was the only thing he had- the feeling of freedom, and how well he did in the harness. Without those, he would be nothing.
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(So sorry, I left for Thanksgiving and just got back, I will try to reply more often! What has been happening with the doggies...?) - Sky was bored. She saw Cypress standing a little ways away and walked over to him. "Hi Cypress... How are you?" She asked, not knowing what else to say.

Tiger's paws twitched in his sleep. He rolled over onto his back and kicked the air. His tounge lollled out of his mouth and he let out a slight bark. He then whimpered and let out a howl.
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(Welcome back! They just slept- but June, Denali, and Cypress all had dreams that helped explain their backgrounds. I believe that's it but don't really remember haha) - Cypress turned, a bit startled by the sudden appearance of the she-dog he hadn't spoken to yet. "Oh hello Sky- doing fine, you?" He asked, sounding slightly surprised but composing himself quickly. His plumed tail twitched slightly as he cocked his head and watched the female.
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(Cool, thanks! I will try to catch up :D) - Sky looked up at teh blue sky, glad her name came from it. The sky was beautiful today. White cumulonimbus clouds stretched across the sky, and the sky itself was a gorgeous blue. Birds flew overhead in triangles and groups, cawying their signature sounds. - Sky was surprised when Cypress answered her. "I'm fine, too." And after a pause, "Are you excited about the next race?" Sky wondered if he had been in any races. She wasn't sure where their musher got him, but he was definitely built for racing and pulling.

Raina walked around her shoulder was feeling better but she still had a small limp. She looked over to tiger and looked at spirit, 'He won't be mad if I talk to tiger first..." So raina bound over to tiger and gave him a small tall wag "Hey.."

Cypress's tail waved back and forth slowly as he smiled politely. He had to make a good impression on these wolves- because he didn't want to be rejected again. "That's good. Definitely excited! Training and resting are both fun and refreshing... but racing is what I was born for." He answered with a happy-sounding tone, cocking his head. "What about you? I'm guessing you are."
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Denali watched as all the dogs paired up as usual and started chatting getting deep into their conversations. She scratched her ear then sat up straight, curling her tail around her body almost like a cat, after all, there were always cats around where she came from to stop the mice chewing up the harnesses and sled. Her large ears relaxed a little and she looked like an airplane. She was quite a sight to see but it was cozy for her so she didn't mind as much.

(tiger is asleep) Tiger turned in his sleep. He muttered "If only I could go faster" Then turned again bumping into Raina. HE let out a whimper "DARN it a thorn" He muttered.
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"No tiger, Raina. Wake up I want to talk." she nudged him.