Denali finally felt satisfied once all the blood was gone from Spirits coat, she couldn't do any more to help now so she just waited for the others to wake up and see that her brother had come back home. She assumed the position she had earlier before Spirit had come. She sat up and sniffed the air, flicking her ears towards a sound outside the kennel. What the heck is that? she wondered. She got up to investigate and saw a fox sniffing around. She let out a deep growl warning him away. That was all it needed to hear before it cantered away, not glancing back.
Cypress curled his fluffy tail around his paws, peering out of the pen. He watched the world around him, perking his ears and listening to every noise. Cypress got a little stiff as the morning grew older, stretching his back with a wide yawn, his razor-sharp fangs flashing in the sunlight. Soon their musher would come, and then he would get to run.
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Denali huffed in boredom but she decided she was staying by Spirit until he was healthier. She impatiently waited for the musher with her head on her paws, staring at the gate willing their master to come. Edited at November 24, 2023 02:17 AM by Deez Nuts Stables
Tiger woke up and stretched. He ate his food then looked around at the others. He was tempted to start a fight. But in the end he decided to just go back to sleep. He curled up and startes to dream about running in a big race.
June smiled at Mz, “you always know what’s on my mind even when I don’t” she said appreciatively licking him on his cheek for trying to get her to open up to him. ~~ The morning guard who looked after the sled teams in the morning was hearing all the commotion from their teams kennel and decided to take them outside earlier to relieve themselves and start to wake up. Opening the door he did a head count while getting their long leads as saw spirit as the odd ball out. “Hello boy..” he said, giving him a gentle pat on the head. “People have been looking for you…” grabbing a spare lead he clipped it to Spirits tattered collar with the rest of the dogs. “I have to let your owner know you are safe then we are going to the vet to get you looked at.” Leading all the dogs out to the large fenced in athletic training yard he unclipped everyone’s leads but Spirits and then led him out of the yard to the clinic while grabbing his radio to get in touch with his owner. ~~ June was very happy that they were the first team to be let out this morning. Sniffing around she found a private place to do her business then went back to Mz to talk to him about what happened last night.
Cypress couldn't resist a slight tail wag when he got let out. He stood and shook the snow off his coat, stretching his back legs before trotting out into the wide open world. The sun was now shining brightly, warming his dark coat. He paused and lifted his nose, sniffing the air currents. Cypress felt the slight breeze ruffle his fur, lifting a paw and letting his tongue loll out of his mouth. He trotted a little ways away from the other dogs, breathing in the scents of the morning and enjoying the quiet peace.
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Raina sat looking over at spirit waiting to see if he would come over to her. Though they were mates Raona felt awkward walking up and ruining a family moment but soon the fog cleared in her brain and she ran up jumping on top him happily and whined licking his face. Before blushing stepping off him helping him up and composing her self. "welcome home."
Denali panted happily to see Rains reuntited with her mate, they were so cute together. She decided to leave them alone then went behind a tree, did her thing then buried it. She was glad that Spirit would get seen to but then the thought of Tiger entered her mind. If Tiger tries to fight him he's making a big mistake, she thought with a glance at Tiger's direction. She shook her jet-black coat then felt bored again. I'll wait to run i guess, she thought as she settled into an area with a ray of Sun peeking through the Alaskan clouds.
Spirit soon got tired and with so many fussing over him. He took a glance at a new dog from afar, 'Wait, when was he here?' he thought. Spirit loves new members for the team, he sincerely hoped that they would be on good terms. . Spirit felt good when Denali sat next to him, he knew that he would never be lonely with his sister around, although they didn't have many words to say, but he could feel the sisterly love and the sense of home. Spirit starts to rejoin with the others and greet his friends. Spirit gave a good wag of his tail when he came to meet June, 'Good day June! I wouldn't have escaped if I haven't missed you, pardon me please!' he smiled as he barked. . Spirit began to feel sleepy and started snoring. Before he went to the dream world, he smelt a familiar scent. Heart thumping fast, he hoped it was someone he was hoping for. With his eyes closed he whispered, 'Good day'. 'Welcome home' was all he needed for an answer. He was delighted enough to meet Raina again.
Tiger sprinted around the yard. He was sooo excited to be let out. After he winded himself he flopped down and feel asleep. He went back to his raceing dreams as usaual.