
Mz looked at June, "looks a little more then a bad dream June, a memory? I am guessing" he said, flicking his ears

Denali woke groggily when she heard June and Mz talking. She decided it was private and she didn't want to interrupt them so she just yawned then rested her head on her paws, her favorite way of getting cozy. Now, she was not able to sleep so she looked around a bit bored. Eventually, after about 10 minutes, she slept.

Cypress laid down by the gate with a heavy sigh, licking his lips anxiously before putting his head on his paws. He fell asleep moments later, a drowsy feeling coming over his eyelids as they dropped down. Moments later he was in a dream, running with his old pack through an empty field with mountains on all side, blizzard roaring and ripping their pelts off. Being the smaller dog, Cypress was getting buffeted from side to side, but he kept pushing forward bravely. He was the lead dog, respected by all. Back then he was stern and wise, actually using his brain. Cypress shouldered through the blizzard, loping along as fast as he could in the screaming winds. Another sled was slowly gaining until it was beside them. The mushers cursed at each other in Russian, making Cypress wince just thinking about it. The other sled slowly pulled ahead. They were so close to the finish line. Cypress could almost see it throgh the haze of snow. The lead dog on the other team was neck and neck with him. Suddenly the lead dog leaned down and bit his leg, and pain flared. Cypress heard a loud crack, and he stumbled in agony, the other team going faster. His mushe screamed at him. The other dogs barked. Then there was the crack. Cypress tripped into it, his leg getting snapped clean in half. More cracks sounded as other places in his leg broke. Agony like he had never felt before spread. The musher had jumped off and was whipping him. Cypress woke shivering, his ears pinned. He hated relaying that memory. It was terrible... and now his leg ached just thinking about it. A slight whimper escaped as he ut his head back down, afraid to go back asleep.
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Denali woke yet again, feeling annoyed so she decided to walk around since obviously she wasn't going to have a peaceful night. She noticed Cypress seemed scared she she ambled over still half asleep. "Hey, you ok? You look scared." She lay down next to him and fought off sleepiness.

Cypress glanced sideways as Denali walked up. +She wouldn't understand. Why is she even over here? She doesn't know me+ He thought with a slight pang of sadness, answering slowly. "I'm fine. Just a dream." He mumbled quietly, forcing the trembling of his tail to stop.
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She raised an eyebrow then said, "You sure? By the way I think I never told you, but I'm Denali. I owe you one for sure." She thought he seemed a bit defensive but she didn't want him feeling bad so she went into a submissive position to show she was willing to listen.

Cypress tilted his head slightly and glanced at Denali. "It's nice to meet you, Denali. You probably heard, but I'm Cypress. You don't owe me anything; it wasn't that hard to pull a thorn out." He answered with a slight dip of his head, thinking about what to say next. "I- well it really was just a dream.. back in Russia the mushers were cruel and abusive. Every dog lived for themselves, and every one gave their all to not get punished. I was the lead dog in a big race back then, and we were running through a blizzard trying to win. Another team was gaining quickly, and the mushers were mad. The lead dog on the other team, Steel, came up beside me. He was pretty much twice the size of me, and obviously had strong jaw strength, because he bit my leg and either fractured or broke it. I tripped into a crack and my leg broke in a bunch more places... then the musher came and whipped me for it. In any case, it was in the past, and I need to get my head in the game and move on." Cypress explained quietly, letting out a small breath to the end.
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Denali smiled and said, "Nice to meet you Cypress." As she listened to his story, her brow furrowed deeper and deeper until the fur on her haunches was bristling and she was ready to tear someone up. "That's horrible! I can't imagine living like that it must have been terrible! If you ever want to talk just tell me or wake me up if I'm sleeping ok? You shouldn't have to go through this silently." She bowed her head and looked at Cypress with sadness filling her gentle amber eyes.

Cypress sighed a little. "It's in the past, really, I should just forget about it! Thank you, though, that means a lot." He answered, his tail wagging a little. Edited at November 22, 2023 09:10 AM by Wild West Warmbloods
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She nodded then said, "No problem", her tail wagged too but then sleepiness overcame her so she said, "Imma sleep I'm so tired." She smiled at him then slowly got up and groggily started walking to her spot, but only made it halfway when the thought of just stopping and curling up seemed very appealing. As soon as the tip of her tail touched her nose, she fell into deep sleep.