
Scarred Thorn Scar snorted slightly, but said nothing at first, thinking what Iris said over. "Maybe. I guess taking advice from you would probably make anything run better than I have, so sure." he commented with a dry laugh, looking around at the wolves. "Everything just seems to be so..broken. And I've never been one to glue things up. I'm horrible at anything emotional. I don't know how to sympathize with Lupin or help mentor Shotz... thank the lord Delilah took the reins on that one or the poor guy might've been traumatized forever." Scar sighed, the tip of his tail twitching.
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iris Iris smiled and nudged scar. "it'll be all right. things will work out. somehow someway they always do" she said softly
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(Oh a unknown wolf fathered Luna's pups) - {Third Person/Lupin} - "She looked to the other wolves before making her way out of the den, She snarled a bit before trotting off into the woods for a drink of the cool water, She lifted her head when she heard gunshots which scared her, She bolted back to the pack and straight into her den" - {Third Person/Draco} - "He was busy hunting when he heard gunshots and noticed Lupin bolting back to the pack, He rolled his eyes and followed her into her den, He huffed and gently rested his head on her soft silky back, He lifted his head when he noticed a wolf peeking into the den" - {Third Person/Luna} - "She was busy cleaning her pups when she heard a loud gunshot and she went to alert mode, She shuffled gently out of her den and walked to Scar, She tilted her head to the side and looked to him "Are they close", She asked and pinned her ears" -

Vindaria Female/Protector
Vinda loped tirelessly through the woods, her strong muscles rippling under her skin, pale eyes sweeping the territory around her. A smile flashed over her panting muzzle as she passed by a crooked tree, a landmark. She was home. Quite a few days before that, she'd requested permission from Scar to embark on a scouting trip, due to the lack of such wolves in their pack, and the danger of humans coming ever closer.
She knew she was getting closer, she could even smell the wolves up ahead, and their familiar scents made her heart pound with joy and eagerness to see them again.
Suddenly, a gunshot cracked through the woods, a bullet ricochoetting off a tree on her left side. With a gasp of shock she flung herself downwards to her belly, eyes darting throug the quiet forest, her gray ears pricked and swiveling. Another bullet whizzed through the air where she had been a moment before. They had seen her. With a swift thrust of her hindquarters she spun and leapt back the direction she had come, angling herself slightly towards the stench of human. If they were following her, then she could not return to the pack, not until she had led the evil creature as far from the others as possible.

Scarred Thorn The big black wolf let out a slow sigh that sounded somewhat like a huff, nodding to Iris. "I sure hope they do." He murmured, gazing out over the pack. Perking up his ears as he heard a gunshot, he immediately jumped up. Scar boted off into the woods, towards the sound, angry humans were here and afraid one of his packmembers had gotten hurt. Vindaria should have been back by now- it was only a scouting trip! Scar hoped to high heaven she hadn't been shot. As the scent of humans filled his nostrils he slowed and crouched in the bushes, invisible to the human eye. They were rather dumb creatures, Scar had found, but their loud guns sent a killing blow over hundreds of yards. Quickly he smelled Vindaria- she was running away from them, he could tell. Scar had to protect the pack, like she was trying to do- he wasn't going to let the humans chase her. Letting out a long, loud howl, he raced out into the open for a moment before dodging back into the woods. Hearing yells from the humans, they started running his way. Staying low in the underbrush, Scar ran straight away from the pack, pausing every once in a while to let the humans get close again. Continuing to let them glimpse him every once in a while, Scar knew he was taking a chance at being shot, but what else was he good for. Soon he came to a low canyon- he knew it was almost a dead end, but there was a very small hole in the back. he could slip away and loop the long way around back to the pack... if he could fit through the hole. Scar shook his pelt a little as he was running, snarling aggressivly, when the humans were close enough to hear, and darting into the canyon. Like the stupid beings they were, they followed eagerly. Gunshots zinged off the canyon walls, usually narrowly missing Scar. He was still in the shrubs, but right before the end there was nothing. They would have a very clear shot at him as he went towards the hole and squeezed through. Not really caring, since he knew someone else leading the pack would be better anyway, Scar heaved in a deep breath and spurted sand backwards as he accelerated. The guns cracked and sand sprayed around him as the humans missed, over and over again. Suddenly a burst of pain through his hips told him he had either been grazed or actually shot, but Scar could tell the bullt wasn't still in there and his bone wasn't broken- if it was he would have fallen flat on his face. Diving through the hole, he let out a low growl of pain, worming all the way through and loping off on the other side. He was free.
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Vindaria Female/Protector
Vindaria flung herself through the undergrowth as bullets smashed into the trees around her, wood chips flying. Until suddenly a long howl split the air, echoing through the trees, and she saw the dark coat of her Alpha dash through the undergrowth. Swiftly she dropped the forest floor, panting in exhaustion as the humans immediately turned their attention to him. Normally she would never have allowed him to take the fire from her... but she didn't have a choice, knowing that she would've eventually gotten shot, she had to trust that he knew where he was going.
As soon as the humans passed her, she rose to her paws and swiftly loped after them, staying on the edges and keeping an eye ahead of her as shouts and bullets echoed through the forest. As she realized Scar was headed for the canyon, her eyes widened in alarm, and she swiftly branched off from following, pushing her tired muscles faster as she sped around the outskirts of the canyon, the edges sloping upwards until she was running on the right side, glancing down now and then to see the humans still racing after the Alpha. Her heart pounded even more in fear as he seemed to hopelessly plunge towards a dead end, until suddenly he twisted himself, and shot through a small hole in the wall, the humans yelling in anger as their quarry escaped. She let out an enormous breath of relief, swiftly ducking out of sight and heading down the other side, hoping to catch up with him.
Reaching the end of the canyon wall she peered over the steep, loose rock covered side, to see Scar run into the forest... but something about his gait was off. Could he have been... shot? Worry struck her heart again and she swiftly leapt over the edge, bracing her strong paws and sliding down the loose gravel, leaping off as she neared the bottom and landing with a slight thud on the forest floor, then taking off after her Alpha, although she was careful not to make too much noise, knowing that the last thing either of them needed was the humans redoubling their efforts.

Scarred Thorn After the shock of being shot wore off, the pain really set in. Scarred started limping heavily, but kept loping on the best he could without noise. Knowing humans, they would give up- one wolf wasn't worth a big chase. He started leaving a blood trail after a while, and he didn't want to lead the humans back, in case they did continue chasing him, so he found a shallow cove in the roots of some trees and hunkered down with a wince of pain. Lifting his nose to the breeze to scent, Scar noticed Vindaria had followed him. He was just thankful she hadn't tried to jump in... he would much rather it be his life than hers. He was unimportant to the pack, but she meant a lot more.
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Vindaria Female/Protector
Vinda swiftly leapt through the undergrowth, her eyes trained on the movement up ahead, indicating where Scar was headed. A metallic scent hit her nose and she looked down, eyes widening as she saw the drops of bright red blood spattered on the ground. So Scar had been shot. Redoubling her speed she kept her eye trained on the blood trail, knowing it would lead her to her Alpha.
A few more minutes of running, and she could see the blood trail end ahead, the scent of Scar was strong, and it only took a few seconds for her to pin point his location. "Scar" she said in a relieved tone as she found him hidden in the tangled roots. Then her eyes grew worried "You shouldn't have jumped out, I would've been ok" she said quietly "Where did you get hit?" she added, unable to tell from his position. Edited at January 25, 2024 08:37 AM by Shiloh Stables

Scarred Thorn Alpha The big male wolf could tell his packmate was getting closer, and he couldn't smell any human scent which was a good thing. Scar was somewhat hunkered over, not laying down as to not push pressure on the wound but not sitting up and making himself too visible. With humans it was always a sight thing... they couldn't smell a cow if it landed on them. With a rustle of leaves, Scar saw Vindaria streak out of the bush. If she was here, most likely there were no humans. Scar knew she wouldn't have let humans follow her. Sitting up with a slight huff of pain, he snorted at her first comment. "If I hadn't have it'd be you Hurt and possibly killed. Much better me than you." He paused, scenting the air again once more- no trace of humans. Probably safe to go back. Scar stood with a grimace, limping out of the den. "Right hip. But it'll be fine, it didn't Penatrate bone." He answered gruffly, glancing around carefully before beginning the rather long trip back to camp.
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Vindaria Female/Protector
Vinda frowned at her Alpha's words "Not so, you know that as our Alpha your life is the most precious" she said, her eyes glittering slightly at the almost lifeless tone he'd spoken in. Hearing where the wound was, she glanced over and winced as she saw bullet hole. "Thank goodness for that" she said with slight relief "But you must get it looked at when we return" she added almost firmly as she padded to his side. She could see the obvious limping and grimacing, but she knew better than to offer to support him. Sometimes he could be infuriatingly stubborn.
After a few moments of silent walking, she glanced over at him "How is the pack? It feels like months since i've seen any of them." she said with a slight sigh. It had only been 6 days, but how dearly she missed them all.