June noticed the disrespect in Tiger's actions which she never expected. The team knew not to mess with June (especially Raina as she had raised her and held her to high expectations) and Tiger was about to learn why. Hopping down gracefully from the sled and landing in the snow with a soft thud she calmly walked over to Tiger standing directly in front of him. “Get up” she commanded, making her voice very monotone.
Tiger glared."NO."He said. "I don't have to." He closed his eyes "besides it's past my nap time" Edited at November 15, 2023 08:12 PM by Sunset Mt Training
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Raina looked frantic. "Mom don't..." then she looked at tiger. "You are screwed..." Raina half wanted to stand in between them not for june for tiger.
Not being affected by this pup's measly threat she walked between him and Raina (Junes tacit was to always be entirely calm with her discipline to make her more intimidating and if that didn’t work than brute force, as was used in wolf packs was necessary) then in a split second had him by the scruff of his neck closest to the back of his skull so that he wouldn’t be able to turn and bite her. Using only enough pressure to make sure it would sting but didn’t cause any injury she hauled him up. Being taller than him his back legs are the only thing that was dragging and she tossed him to the very front of the sled a little harder than necessary. “Down boy” she said, her voice still entirely calm. “Don’t make this any more difficult than it needs to be.” She said, turning her back on him and making her way to the sled.
Tiger growled "that was not necassary you ruined my nap. Can't we do this whole pep talk thing later?" He got up and shook off his fur. He was pushing the limits to see how far he could go.
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June laughed a little wickedly, this pup just didn’t know when to quit. “Oh sweet pup” she started leaping onto the sled. “This is no pep talk.” Pausing, she looked over her team. “This is just the start of your training discipline. Now,” she said with a devilish gleam in her eye she watched the musher return from the vets office. “We have some work to do.” Not seeing anyone move a mussel she growled “let’s go!” And hopped off the sled towards the musher who would take them to their trainer for the next month.
Tiger sighed "I guess that means no nap for me today." He muttered. Then he followed the others. His half tail lowered. He looked at the musher. Tilting his head to the right so that his left ear was towards him so he could hear better.
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Bellamy let out a sigh, watching the events in front of him unfold. This was ridiculous, and these dogs were ridiculous. They were acting like pups, and he didn't want a part of it. Watching June hop up and make her announcement, he yawned and stretched out before following the female towards the musher. This was going to be a long off season.
Cypress laid there until he heard June bark, immedietely snapping to attention. Even if he was looked upon in disgust, he didn NOT want to be the lazy mutt who didn't get his butt up and listen to the lead dog. Cypress trotted over in the line, sitting on his haunches and turning his gaze to the evets laying out. He winced as Tiger got thrown to the ground, his ears pinning a little at the young dogs disrespect. Cypress may not act the most grown up at times- but he was a hardened professional, and disobeying, disrecpecting the team leader was a bad thing to do. When June walked away and commanded them to follow, Cypress let out a long sigh and did as asked. He was hoping for a slightly relaxing off season with a nice new team where he worked up some ample stamina and made a good edition to the team- but this was going to be a mess. Especially with Tiger stirring everything up... 2 new dogs was a hard bargain. Cypress reminded himself he was one of those dogs and had no right to think like that. Cypress jogged over to the musher and sat back down, waiting for instructions. If anything, he could use this time to limber up a little and work his healed leg.
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When the musher went to put on her harness she hit her shoulder slightly out of pain she turned and bit him not hard but hard enough to show she was hurt. "Damnit!" she whined and flinched waiting of the musher to either yell or hit her.