
{Lupin's Pov} - "I was just starting to fall asleep when Remus came barging in, "DUDE CHILL IT OR WERE DONE" i said standing on my feet, I looked him dead in the eyes and began snarling i wasn't joking this time, "I'M WARNING YOU REMUS, YOU KNOW WHAT I'M LIKE" i said snapping my teeth, I gently began walking around him teeth baring while gently holding my posture, It was enough to set him off the edge before i knew it he lundged at me, I growled before leaping onto his back and biting down hard, I made it to the exit and looked at him, "REMUS STOP, THE REST OF THE PACK" i said still growling at him, He wouldn't listen taking yet another go at me, This time i caught him off guard and grabbed his front leg yanking him down, I was gonna kill him but i stopped myself seeing the terror in his eyes, "I told you to leave me be" i said lowering my head" - {Remus's Pov} - "I had walked back and barged into the den ignoring what Lupin was saying, When she started snappping and snarling then she walked around me and that is what set me off, "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOUR LIKE ANYMORE" i said leaping at her and grabbing her shoulder, I sank my teeth deep and released it wasn't enough to stop her though and i knew that, I was now panting and didn't know what to do, I was helpless in a way but i kept fighting, When she grabbed my back i sank down in agony, I then leaped at her but before i knew she had a hold of my paw, I yelped and landed hard on the cold floor in agony, I looked to her as she went for my neck but she stopped herself, I knew this was gonna get me kicked from the pack"

(This is what they look like) - Lupin: Lupin (Credits to Pinterest) - Remus: Remus (Credits to Pinterest) (I plan to kill him off, I don't know yet) - Draco: Draco (Credits to Pinterest) (He's new) - Luna: Luna (Credits to Pinterest) (She's new) Edited at December 6, 2023 12:27 PM by Rivershine Stud

Edited at December 6, 2023 12:19 PM by Rivershine Stud

Scarred Thorn Scar tilted his head slightly, blood slowly dripping down his black fur. "I was merely- dont get mad- ay." He started to say, his voice fading into a mumble. "I don't even know anymore... I'm starting to feel like I never should have made a pack. I'm a terrible leader." Scar growled a little when Delilah asked, stalking away. As a fight broke out he lifted his head, trotting over. "What's going on here?!" He asked with concern and slight irritation that they were fighting.
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{Third Person/Lupin} - "She looked to the leader with a little bit of blood dripping from her leg and mouth, "He attacked me" she said while glaring at the almost lifeless Remus, She sighed sitting down tail tucked under her body, She knew the leader would probably be mad and yell at her so she was waiting for it, She lowered her head gently sobbing since she didn't wanna be kicked from the pack" - {Third Person/Remus} - "He gently turned his head looking to the leader with a slight wince, His injury was getting the best of him and he was slowly bleeding to death, He was now fighting to stay alive and fighting with his own mate because of jealousy, He felt stupid and for that he was"

Scarred Thorn Scar lifted his head a little and observed the situation before him. Was this his fault? That they were fighting? +I should have never put myself around other wolves... all I do is hurt and harm+ He thought, a steely look in his eyes to cover up the anguish and grief. "Lupin, please exit the den. Remus, we will get you patched up. I'm going to have to talk to both of you after you two are calmed down." Scar said evenly, asking a random wolf to go get some herbs.
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{Third Person/Lupin} - "She looked to him and chocked when he said to leave then den, Her pups were in there and she wasn't gonna leave them alone while Remus was just outside, She dashed in bringing two small pups out and leaving making sure she didn't drop neither of them, She trotted out into the cold woods with her pups finally coming to a resting spot, She stopped placing them both down and laying beside them, She had found a good spot near water that had a little cave near it, She placed her pups inside before going in herself, It was big enough to fit two more adult females but she only wanted it to be them three, She sighed looking to the pups one being red like her and the other somehow being black, She cleaned them both before yawning and falling asleep" - {Third Person/Remus} - "He watched with sorrow as Lupin the love of his life fled with her two day old pups, No one but him knew that she had them now the whole pack knew she did, He thought to himself for a while before looking up to Scar, "Alone she'll be in trouble when she has pups" he said to him"

Scarred Thorn Scar turned his crimson eyes to Remus with a snort. "Why would you care what happens? Keeping your temper under control is a skill you obviously don't have." He said, the tip of his tail flicking. The wolf came back with herbs and started patching Remus up while Scar thought about what to do. He noticed Shotzee creep past, turning to look at the young male. "Shotz, please go find Lupin and give her this message." Scar instructed, muttering something to the wolf. +++ Shotzee Shotz had been hanging around, his eyes darting everywhere as he crept around. He had a good meal and went to go see what the commotion was when Scar asked him to do something. "Yes sir." Shotz answered with a slight snicker as he darted away with incredible speed. He quickly found Lupin and her pups, his tail wagging a little to show he wasnt a threat. "Hello! Scar wanted me to give you a message. He said that if you think he kicked you out of the pack, you thought wrong. He would never do that. He also said to tell you that he wanted your side of the story first instead of Remus' because he trusted your opinion and had a suspicion Remus was clouded by anger and pain. In any case, Scar wants to talk to you." He delivered the message, crouching to sniff the pups from afar. "Cute pups you got." Shotz commented with a wolfish smile.
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Deliah - Deliah watched him walk away. "No, Scar...Don't say that. It's for the better. You didn't expect everything to work out just like that? Things like this take time." Deliah looked at the wolf leaving with her pups. If wolves kept walking off like this there wouldn't be a pack anymore. "I know we're wolves, wild animals and all, but can't any of you keep your tempers under control," she muttered to herself. Scar needed some help but he was getting impatient too. He needed a friend to rely on... Deliah wasn't sure what to do anymore. Talk to Remus? Or go after Lupin? Maybe speak to the rest of the pack? She shook her head with a small sigh. "Well, if you need me, I'll be over there," she said to Scar. ~ Flutter - Flutter heard all the noise and looked around. Scar and Remus were angry, Deliah looked confused and Lupin had just run off with her pups. What was going on? Maybe she should talk to Scar or something. This wasn't at all what she expected when she decided to join this pack. She thought it would be different from last time... "Hey, Scar?"she said a little nervously. He didn't look like he was in the mood. "Um, I was just wondering if I could help? With the pups I mean. It might be fun and..." Her voice had lowered to a whisper. What was she doing? She should just go back and leave him alone. "Actually, I don't want to bother you." Flutter turned around and gave her blue-grey fur a nervous lick. Flutter looked back at where Lupin had left.

Scarred Thorn Scar just wanted time to think and time to figure out how to help straighten the pack out. He let out a slow breath and walked outside the den, sitting down to lick his small wounds while his brain gears whirred. He turned his head as Flutter walked up. "No, it's okay. That's a good idea." He mustered up a smile with his answer. "Lupin should be back soon." Scar commented. (I don't know who has pups or how many there are lol)
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