
Wyn watched the boy, "I-i think somebody s-should ride back, to get help, since I cannot help his broken ribs" he said quietly, praying somebody heard his suggestion, Wyn made his way over to the girl on the ground and crouched by her side, "Hello?" He asked, waiting for a reply, but she didn't, Wyn could do this, not talk to a person, his been doing it for a long time, Wyn reached over to his first aid kit, pulling out a small cloth, then some anticiptic wipes, rubbing over her small wounds, patching them up with bandages, Wyn sat back and studied his work, and nodded, thinking it was good enough, he sat beside her, waiting for her to wake,

Qibli glanced over at the practically trembling boy, who looked a year or two younger than he was. "It's fine, I can ride back myself and get help back there." He reassured the other boy, because that guy looked nervous. Qibli watched the same boy work on the girl's wounds, observing his work. -At least he knows how to stitch- He thought with a content look, running a scraped up hand through his light blonde hair and causing red streaks to show in it. Other than the broken ribs, Qibli really only had a bunch of little scratches. He stood up straight and didn't lean against the broad grey horse, feeling a wave of dizziness washing over him and waiting till it disappated. Qibli then walked over to the girl's horse and studied it carefully, a concerned look on his face. He wondered if it was okay.
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(So sorry I've been absent, I'm super busy lately, and just got back from a week long trip) - Abby was dizzy even before she opened her eyes. When she did, she saw a boy sitting next to her, and that other one that fell right after she did, a little ways away, looking over Rose. Abby tried to get up, but she fell back down, pain seering her back. Seeing her awake, Rose broke away from the other boy and trotted up to her, nuzzling her face. "I'm so sorry, Rosie. That was all my fault." Abby leaned into her horse, stroking her face. But then her arm pulsed again and she stopped, holding back tears. Edited at November 15, 2023 01:59 PM by Galloping Stables

Wyn watched the girl, "how do you feel?" He asked, examining the bandages, praying that they helped, Wyn looked at the other boy and shook his head, "not a good idea.." he muttered, "I will go.."
Isabella had the most amazing idea of grabbing her speaker. She left the stall and ran to her dorm to grab the speaker. When she got to her dorm, she couldn't find the speaker, so she called, "hey Siri!" "Yes?" Siri replied. After hearing her call, Isabella looked in the general direction of the speaker and quickly found the darn thing. Then she ran back to her tacked up horse, and led him out into the ring. Before jumping on him, she stuck her speaker on the fence and pulled out her phone to turn on her favourite playlist. Of course the first song was Pick me up.

It is now 6:30, and time for dinner. Students, please head to the mess hall and recieve your food. Lights out is at 10:30. ~Headmistress Saxe

Elena got another wave of dizziness and she closed her eyes, trying to hold still. "I'm... I think I'm okay." Nobody had ever paid this much attention to her, and she was a little nervous about saying she WASN'T okay. "Just a little sore..." But that wasn't true. She wasn't sore, she was about ready to scream from pain, but of course she wouldn't admit that. Elena had the slight relization that it was getting late, maybe 7:00, before she blacked out again.

Qibli's face flashed with concern as the girl got up, and he turned, half twisted his torso before stopping with a grimace and realizing his ribs were broken. Not the best idea to twist your midsection then, is it? He placed a hand on his side before taking in a slow breath and walking towards the girl. It looked like the horse was okay, so getting the unconscious girl back was the first priority on his mind. He stood by the girl for a moment, watching the horse and planning out what to do. From what Qibli could see, he didn't think any very important bones were broken... like her spine. If anything was broken, it would be her arm, and that he could take care of. He took in another shallow breath before deciding what to do. She needed to get back, anyway. Qibli went over to West and grabbed a blanket out of his saddlebag, along with some long rope. Qibli then crisscrossed the rope maybe 10 times before laying the blanket over it. He then knelt by the girl and very carefully lifted her up, making sure to not hit any big scratches or touch her arm, lifting her onto the blanket and gently setting her back down. Qibli wrapped the blanket around her before taking the ropes, which stabalized the blanket... and tada, he had a stretcher. He then glanced around, ready to make a plan to get her back rather easily, but also observe how stunned or angry the other people looked.
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Wyn looked at the girl again, his eyes widening, he looked over at the boy, glad he had muscle on him, because Wyn lacked it very much, "I could check over her to try and get her out of as much pain as possible.." he said scratching the back of his neck, Wyn felt a bead of sweat drip down his face, he then looked at silver Blade, "maybe we can carry the stretcher between two horses, it might be more comfortable for her.." he said shrugging

Qibli listened to what the boy said, not wanting to speak but feeling he had to. "Sounds good to me. I'll get her stabalized, then you hop on and take her feet. I can support her weight while I scrabble on." He instructed in a quiet yet firm voice, his scottish accent pouring through like a waterfall... Qibli was terrible at hiding it. He got ready before picking up the girl again, this time in the makeshift stretcher, waiting till the boy jumped onto the horse before having him take the handle Qibli had made. Qibli then hauled himself up on West, who obviously stood still. He supported the girls upper half weight with one arm while gently taking her horse's halter with the other.
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