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Hi! So... I think I'll go with my Warmblood stallion L. Caius...
Eh Im Probably Going To Go With One of my mares let me go through my ocs real quick
Im Probably Gonna Use This Girl Show Name: Ω Hisoric Times Barn Name: Chao Age: 8 Gender: Mare Breed: Knabstrupper Appearance: A 16.8 hand tall bay appaloosa mare with deep brown eyes (C) Horse Feathers FarmPersonality: Short fused, dramatic, enetergetic Discipline: Liberty + Dressag
Care to start us off, then?
(Side Account)
Chao Trotted Through The Pasture snorting and nickering as she passed other the other horses. She Slowed Into A Walk Then She Halted She Dipped Her Head Into The Cooling Water Taking A Drink She Soon Lifted Her Head, And Looked Up At The Palomino Stallion. Edited at December 19, 2023 01:05 PM by Mammoth Peak
The afternoon sun beat down hard on the training tracks of the grounds of Abuloun Acres, an elite equestrian show center on the proud continent of Delugorath, and many horses of varying breeds were here, alongside their riders, to compete in the grand Welugin Tourney, one of the most ancient and celebrated of equestrian competitions, held that year in Abuloun Acres. Lucius Caius Scorpius, a Gold Champagne Warmblood stallion clad in Roman Empire themed tack and saddleblankets, alongside his rider Benjamin Voorhees, were no different, and they were to compete in the jousting race, a combination of the jousts of medieval fare and the most intense of cross country races. Races like this truly challenged the steed and rider, for it wouldn't just be the delighted yells of fans at the main stadium, but the yells of people reenacting battles of centuries gone by. The noises of catapults being let loose, and the hazards of natural obstacles from tree roots to gopher holes. And what was the prize for this intense competition? A million dollars to the winning stable... so Benjamin and L. Caius Scorpius were here, training rigorously for an equally rigorous game in the Welugin Tourney.
Chao trotted into the round pen led by her owner Lilian Hart Chao nickered as Lilian clipped off the lead leaving her show halter on, She paraded around in a extended trot she snorted and stopped to look at the golden champange stud then continued parading around on the lunge line