okie, unless your name's in the title, please don't post, but feel free to read along, thanks :)
Hyrule_Stables said: okie, unless your name's in the title, please don't post, but feel free to read along, thanks :)
(Wait did I already put something?)
(ok) A silver Smokey Black Manchado (< I think that's how it's spelt) Warmblood stallion walked through the nice cool liquid of the creek. His ears were pricked and ready for any danger that may pass.
A light golden palomino mare was wondering through the forest
The stallion - Smoke - continued trotting untill the creek slowly started going into a forest
Mystery sensed another horse, she stopped and waited silenty
Smoke looked around and sniffed the air there's another horse.. he thought to himself
Mystery thought she was alone but apparently not.. She turned and trotted behind some bushes to hide
Smoke thought for a moment, but continued on his way, keeping his ears and eyes alert