Max smiled at him and headed out to the living room. When Travis arrived about 20mins later she called for Sage as she answered the door "Hey there i'm here to pick up the birthday boy." Travis teased with a laugh "He'll be out in a minute." she assured inviting him in "Ok thanks." he chirped happily stepping into the house.
Sage heard Travis from where he'd admittedly gotten distracted with a book in the other room. When he heard his friend, he headed out, shoving the book back where it came from and jogged around the corner to greet Travis.
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Travis laughed "Hey buddy" he chirped happily "Hows your birthday going so far?" he asked giving him a clap on the shoulder. Maxine laughed at the two of them "Geez if I didn't know any better i'd say the two of you were brothers..." she said rolling her eyes.
Sage grinned over at Travis with a happy greeting. "I'd say it's been going alright," he chuckled. Then he grinned over at Max with an amused laugh and shrug. "Maybe we are. The case of the long list brothers," he joked. "Would make a great book."
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Max and Travis laughed at that "Very true." Travis agreed "And good its about to get better because I get you until about 2 so we can have all kinds of fun." he snickered "Just you and me today too Hailey is watching the kiddo." he smiled before looking at Max knowingly "She's doing well we have a doctors appointment in a few days." he assured max.
Sage chuckled and nodded. "So I get two people to spoil me today," he chuckled. He had no idea what Travis had planned, though he trusted the guy enough by now to know they'd have a good time. "You plan on telling me where you're dragging me along to," he asked in amusement, nudging travis with his elbow lightly once he'd told max Hailey was doing alright.
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Travis laughed and looped his arm around him "Nope its a surprise my friend." he smirked before the two of them headed out. When they were on the road Travis blasted music and sang along (pretty terribly) to the songs until they pulled up to a little club and handed him half of his stack of singles "I thought I should treat my buddy to something... fun." he smirked "As long as you don't sleep with any of them you're good." he assured. When they went inside the place was a blaze with lights and music and several "dancers" on different little stages "Yes... Max and Hailey both approve" he smirked playfully.
Sage groaned slightly when Travis told him it was a surprise. "I hate you," he huffed, though it was quite obviously a joke, and Travis was sure to know that by now. He nodded when Travis handed him the pile of things and shrugged lightly. As long as Max and Hailey were fine with it, he didn't see any issues. And, well, Travis was here and did have a good idea to come here. They'd have some fun.
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Travis smirked and patted his shoulder "Happy birthday buddy." he chuckled. To say the least they'd had fun... and everyone who saw them walking out to the parking lot covered in glitter knew it too... Sage was now wearing a party hat and the two of them looked like they had a confetti canon explode on the two of them "Now was or wasn't that a good time...?" he smked playfully.
Sage chuckled and grinned over at Travis. "I don't usually get this...colorful," he laughed. "But I'd say it was well worth it." He'd enjoyed their time, and while both of them were still in their right minds, they both had a light blush on their cheeks from drinks. Not drunk or anything, maybe just a bit tipsy. Nothing bad, though.
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