
Soon enough, the house was empty. All that was there was a note. "Guys!" Taylor called. "There's a note!" 'You think you can find me that easy? Pathetic. Lilith is with me, and she's safe. For now. This was just a decoy. Send you a video of your girly soon.'

Dylan Montgomery - Dylan ran over to Taylor, taking the note from her. He read it and grit his teeth, crumpling up the paper and throwing it onto the ground. He didn't know what to do...

"Uh, guys? Come look at this." Samuel stated, staring at a laptop. On it was a video of James hitting, slapping, and punching Lilith, while trying to make out with her.

Dylan ran over to Sam, gaping at the video playing on the laptop. He felt sick. Who could do this to such an innocent person. "Jay?" He called out. Jay came jogging up towards them. Everyone in their group had a specialty. Jays was tech and hacking and such. "Yeah?" Jay asked. "Figure out when and where this was taken. I'm gonna go make a phone call," Dylan muttered. Jay nodded, getting to work on the laptop. Dylan stalked off to the other room and called Liliths phone.

"Dylan--" Taylor started. "Don't do anything rash." Samuel cut in.

Dylan ignored them, calling Liliths cell. That asshole better pick up.

James smirked, and declined the call, and sent another video to Dylan. "Thought you had her, didn't ya? Newsflash, I showed her who she belonged to." James mocked.

Dylan grit his teeth. God, he had to get her back and away from him. He tried calling her cell again and again. He had to get a hold of him eventually.

They soon found James and Lilith. Lilith was unconscious, unresponsive, still tied and gagged.

Dylan and his friends all arrived at the house, Jay had gotten the address from the video on the laptop. Dylan and four other guys went up to the front door while the rest surrounded the house. Dylan banged on the door. Now not only irritated, worried and praying Lilith was okay, but angry. Very, very angry.