
Regan just sort of shrugged and have a bit of a chuckle. "Well, good... because that is the main thing I worry about, you know. You do mean a lot to me and the idea of upsetting you is always a bit of a concern," she told him with a bit of a chuckle. It was true. She never ment to end their conversations sad and awkward, but she supposed that was why she was so worried about it all. "I just want thou to be... happy, I suppose, as hard as that it while you're out here," she then told him with s bit of a laugh. She then shrugged at him. She just hoped he really would heal soon.
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Tyler cracked another smile, glancing at Regan carefully. He gave a nod to show he heard her, thinking for a couple moments as he walked along. "I hope the same thing." Tyler commented on what Regan had said the last time. "Healing and being happy sound nice." Tyler said with a small chuckle. The sun was now sinking below the horizon as night settled in, so Tyler was relieved when he saw the shadow of the cabin. -caluculated correctly- he thought with a sought smile, heading towards the cabin
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Regan padded towards the cabin next to him with a small smile. She thought it sounded nice. For them both to be at the peak of their health and to just stop worrying... it sounded nice. She would never stop worrying about him, but she'd feel a lot better later on, when he felt more... well, not worried about everything. Healthier. She padded into the cabin and trotted over to the stove with a bit of a skip. "I hope you like mushrooms," she chirped with a childish giggle. She was a bit silly for being so excited about this... but there wasn't much you could do about it. She was excited and that was it.
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Tyler raised his bushy black eyebrows slightly at Regan, a small smile coming to his face as she spoke. "I will eat anything at this point, but mushrooms sound great." He chuckled slightly, looking around the cabin. "Anything I can help you with? Any meat you need hunted?" Tyler asked, knowing he may not have been the most helpful around the kitchen... but he could hunt.
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Regan grinned happily to him at his comment and nodded enthusiastically. "You want to help?" She asked in a tone that really just sounded very amused. She wasn't sure why, though. He was very helpful, so it shouldn't come at a shock at all. She hadn't meant for it to come across as though she didn't think he was helpful, because he absolutely was... and she definitely liked that about him. Even if he had no idea what he was doing, or how to do it, he always wanted to help in some way, even if it was tiny. She could only admire him for that, really. "We have enough meat for tonight, I think... you want to grab some salt and pepper? They're in my bag," she chirped happily before going to grab some versions other herbs for the venison stakes and some more for the mushroom sauce.
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Tyler made a face and snorted. "Aw c'mon I know I may not know how to do much inside, but I can still try." He said in a pleading tone, though he really was just joking. Tyler ran a hand through his hair before nodding at what Regan asked, going to her bag and finding the salt and pepper rather easily. He walked back, putting it on the counter near her. "See? I can do little stuff." Tyler grinned, a teasing twinkle in his eyes
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Regan nodded happily to him before poking his side. "Tyler, I know you can help with the little things," she told him with a bit of a laugh. "Well, you can make a sauce if you'd like... just grab the mushrooms and put them in a pan with some water and we'll see what we can do," she chirped. Of course, they'd put some flour to thicken it up and a few more bits and bobs to make it actually edible, but for now this was the route they were taking. She grabbed some of the venison to start frying in the mean time, though.
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Tyler chuckled quietly, getting water ready for the mushrooms. "Yes ma'am." He saluted with a small laugh, putting the mushrooms in the water and turning it up a Little's before waiting for it to boil. Tyler glanced around the cabin in the meantime, mentally making a list of things he needed. Extra nets was the very top.
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Regan smiled happily to him when he agreed, and quickly got everything started up. The venison has started fairly quickly, so it stared to cook as she gathered everything else. She watched over his shoulders for a moment to make sure he was doing everything right before looking about. "I cleaned up - did you notice?" She asked with a bit of a brighter smile. "Are you planning on making any traps or anything?" She then asked curiously. She did think it would be helpful... to keep them both safe. She didn't want them to have to move in a few weeks because this place got caught up in some raid or something similar to it.
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Tyler jerked his head slightly as Regan talked, zooming back to the present. "Yes, I did notice. Why do you think I've been feasting my eyes on a clean cabin? Thank you." Tyler half joked, smiling slightly. At her question he tilted his head with a bit of a breath. "Well I am planning on checking the traps here and making sure they work, because I know at least one doesn't. By the fact we walked right in and didn't get caught. But yes, I am planning on making more just in case." He mused, running a hand through his hair. Tyler went back to the sauce and turned down the heat a little so it didn't boil over or burn
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