Adrien just stared at Nikolai, thinking. This was quite interesting to him. He knew that face. But he couldn't place it... something was strange about this. Well, stranger than his life already was. He hooked his arms behind his back and kept staring at him. Trying to think of something to ask him, that may tell Adrien who he was... But he was also still pondering why the hell they had been arguing?
Lynx gave a soft growl of frustration when the Agent simply kept staring. He swung his legs over the side of his cot, making his way to the bars. He leaned against them, unintimidated by the fact that his head came up to the mans shoulder, and he would be dead staring his chest if he didn't look up. "Come on, brainless. Why. Are. You. Still. Here?" He asked again, slowly, glaring slightly as he held the man's gaze.
Adrien watched him for another moment before pulling his mask off slightly. "Your short," he said, just now noticing how short the boy was. Considering he only reached to Adrien's shoulders. It was kind of cute. If he was honest, he didn't think this boy was this short. But he looked 5'8-6'0... no taller. It was really strange. Still kind of cute though. But Adrien shoved those feelings down and focused on his other words. "That fight was pointless." He said, an eyebrow raised. It was pointless, really.
Lynx rolled his eyes, giving an amused scoff. "Shocker. Don't worry, I make up for it in other ways." He mocked. It was a point people brought up often- mainly for no reason, and he always took the chance to tilt it into a dirty joke. Not that it was entirely a joke. "Not that my length in any manner is relevant, at the moment." He said coolly. "You call that a fight? That doesn't even count as bickering. I did notice you avoided the question, though. Why are you still here?" He challenged quietly.
Adrien hummed quietly. "I know you from somewhere, I want to find out where. You also treat me somewhat human, so that's a plus I suppose." He said, leaning against the wall and eyeing him up and down. Screw the jog, he wants to know more about Nikolai. He intrigued him, which may be a good, or bad thing. Nikolai would have to find out... eventually.
"There's the answer I was looking for." Lynx huffed, leaning back slightly and crossing his arms over his chest. "You don't know me from anywhere." He answered simply. "I suppose." He mocked, rolling his eyes and glancing around. "Since you're still here, I'm assuming you want to talk. Why are you here?" He asked boredly, waving a dismissive hand to the room around him.
Adrien watched Nikolai's face. Staring at him. "You can keep saying that. But I do," He said, pushing his dog tags into his shirt. He looked Nikolai over once more before crossing his arms over his chest again and letting his mask hang down. "Because I want to talk, you already pointed that out." He said.
Lynx let out an impatient sigh. "You don't." He answered bluntly, watching him fiddle with his dog tags. He studied the man's face in silence, rolling his eyes. "No, not here specifically. Here. At this lifeless facility." He corrected, blowing out a calm breath.
"Ah." Adrien said, looking around the cold, concrete, lifeless prison. He looked back down at Nikolai. "I can not tell you that." He finally decided on. It was true, he was not permitted to tell anyone about SPTP.... Edited at May 26, 2024 02:15 PM by Oakwood Barn
Lynx rolled his eyes. "Of course not. Fine, you do the talking then." He said, waving a hand and slumping to the floor. He was cold. And pissed because he was cold. He would never say it out loud, but it was one of the most disturbing things about this place. Cold. Lifeless. Just like his childhood house. And he couldn't take it.