Lance chuckled "I didn't think Charlie was planned..." he admitted "But I'm glad she's here same as you and Max..." he cooed happily "And yeah whatever you want to do." He assured "Whatever you want to do I'll help..." he nodded "Also... I didn't think to ask last time we met up but did you have any questions for me?" He asked "I got to ask you questions you can ask me some if you like?" He offered.
Sage chuckled and nodded. "That was an accident. I had no idea until Max practically threw the box with the pregnancy test in it at me," he chuckled, remembering the night they'd done all of that. And of course, the night and morning when she told him Charlie was coming. He wrinkled his nose in thought and then shook his head. "Thanks, but as long as I know you're not going to hit anyone in my family, that's all I care about at this point," he admitted.
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"Sounds like my daughter. " he laughed "Just wait if it happens again she might be the exact opposite." He laughed before he shook his head "No of course not I wouldn't dream of it... I've never hit anyone in my family." He assured "Other then a swat on the butt when Max was little cause she decided to try and put her hand on the hot stove... that was a safety issue though she had to learn." He shrugged "But other then that I don't believe in hitting anyone." He assured.
Sage chuckled and nodded. "Max isn't always the most safety conscious so I can believe it," he chuckled. "Not that I'm any better," he groaned in a slightly amused manner. He chuckled again. "I wouldn't think you would. You're not drunk, for one. That was a biggie," he admitted. "Had to say, I was watching you at the wedding to see if that happened...you passed the test don't worry," he laughed.
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Lance laughed "No she's not I noticed when I was over that she pretty much did the bare minimum as far as baby proofing..." he chuckled "Outlet covers and something soft on the table edges..." he laughed giving a smirk "My own dad was a drunken asshole so I know what you mean... I'll have a drink once In a while but I'm not gonna get rip roaring drunk." He assured "I remember what my dad looked like when he was drunk I don't ever want Max or Charlie to see that... from either of us." He said his tone slightly firmer.
Sage chuckled and nodded. Max was a bit impulsive...but between the two of them she was definitely the wiser one. Sage sighed and nodded at Lances other comments. "I don't think I'll ever manage to look at a drink and want to drink it. Beer is one thing...but wine is another. And I hope I never see another glass of whiskey in my life. Ive had more than my fair share. Indirectly, at least," he muttered. "I still have nightmares about that man...my mom too, though she wasn't always drunk, she just hated me." He shrugged slightly. "I probably deserved some of it, but not the...bad stuff. Not that bad." He definitely agreed....he didn't want Max or Charlie to see that from anyone, especially them.
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"Yeah I respect you for that Sage." He nodded offering a small smile "just because our parents were jerks that doesn't mean we will be or are." He assured sternly "Nobody deserves that... but we were shown what kind of people we didn't wanna be right?" He reminded him happily before he smiled "Anyways think about it Sage if you wanna check out the house just let me know and I'll help get things going." He assured.
Sage smiled back at Lance and nodded. "I'll talk with Max, and we'll figure out what we want to do next," he assured the man. "Well let you know once we figure it out, though Max will probably overthink it all for a long time before she stops to think to ask me what I think and then we can have a normal conversation once she's calmed down," he chuckled. "Might be a few days," he said in an amused tone. They said their goodbyes, and he went home, tossing the paper with the house on it on the table by Max. "He found a nice house...I could expand this one, or we could move," he explained to the girl.
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Lance smiled and chuckled "Sounds good to me." He said happily giving him a clap on the shoulder before the two of them said their goodbyes and he headed home. When Max heard what her dad had wanted she listened curiously "Hmm..." She thought "Well can we even afford to do either of those things?" She asked "I've been saving as much cash as I could but still..." She admitted.
Sage slid into the chair next to Max, picking up Charlie when she reached her arms up and let out an indignant garbble or jumped noises that didn't really sound like any word quite yet. He hummed in thought for a moment before shrugging. "I'd have to get a few tools, but I can get all the wood and other natural things from the ground, the same way I made your ring," he thought aloud."I'd say expanding the house would be the better option if we want it to be cheaper," he admitted. He chuckled and shrugged. "I promised your dad I'd show you the bigger house though," he chuckled.
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