And Katya, that isn't 100% true! I have had WWW x WWW (well matched) + sven = PPP before - I think it is more about the random factor!
Like this RO I had a pretty good match, match rather well and used a sven and got an EEE filly - the only reason she is being kept is because she is 1 out of 10 colour so will be used. :)
Ava walks out side on the pouch and saw a golden buckskin TB playing with my horse do she walks out and towards the horse which lets her get close to him
Jason saw nice draft horses but he didn't have the room for them yet. I couple more days and he will. At the same time he is looking for the frosted mane buckskin Tb.
At night his horses where in the barn and shrill whinnies came be heard within the dead of night. Jason got up and ran outside to see his barn burning so he went in and opened all the stall doors and 4 ponies ran out of the barn in shrill fear
Jason calmed each pony down and his parents came out of the house too. They didn't know what to do so they waited for the police to arrive. Luckily no one or horse or foal or pony was hurt.
Jason was talking to his parents and said"I don't know how it happened in the middle of the night I heard shrill shrieks and screams and sure enough the barn was br7ning"