He pushed himself into a plank,getting kicked down and staring at the stars above him.Gale's chest heaved,lungs aching as his body writhed.His muslces rippled,his jaw clenched tightly,body trembling violently.
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Kayla winced as her clothes brushed against a cut, pain radiating from that spot. "Shit" She muttered
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He turned,still shaking as he slowly stood,stumbling back to the tent and collapsing on the cot,almost instantly falling asleep.
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Kayla was unable to stand, the pain too much for her to handle as she attempted multiple times
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His muscles still pulsed,him having a layer of sweat on him.A frown found its way to his face,teeth clinched.A bruise was forming on his back,blood coming out from his mouth and side of the head.
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Kayla dreaded a next round, still worried and angry. The pain blurred most of her thoughts as she tried to focus on getting up, all to no avail
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He moaned in pain softly,voice hitching at the end.He shifted slightly,letting out a agonized cry. No,find,Kayla. Gale thought,forcing himself up with a grunt,he walked out,seeing Kayla and gently scooping her up,bringing her back to the tent and setting her on the cot.Gale loaded his bow,sliding into the corner of the tent with a groan and leaving another moan of pain in the air before he drifted off.
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Kayla didn't make a sound as she was carried. She realized who it was and adrenaline shot through her. She stood, not putting much weight onto her hurt leg as she stared at him
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He leaned his head back,it eventually lolling forward as he slipped into unconciousness.Memories of the king popped up. "You think your invencible,Gale.Now,my question is," He stopped,holding the tip of the blade to his chest. "Which will break first?The body,mind,or will?" The question was deafening,Gale hanging his head and saying nothing. Gale shook,the bow slipping out of his hands slowly as he whimpered quietly. "No,no don't kill me....not again.It killed me once,now im not getting killed again." He muttered,still in his nightmare.
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Kayla, still high on adreneline, ripped out the arrows from herself. She winced as she dropped them, her hand covering the wound as blood continued to trickle down her body. She limped over to Gale, shaking his shoulder with her free hand though it was covered in her own blood. "Gale. wince Gale." She said, trying to wake him
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