Andi nodded her head "Yes each stab was imprinting my care and love for you" She looked up at him trying to flatten his hair and couldn't help but let out a snicker. His hair was all spiked up which reminder her of a hedgehog which only made her snicker more. She figured it was just roughed up from not getting washed in awhile. Which made her realize she hadn't washed her hair in a bit too so she started messing with hers "A sweet giant? More like a madman so yes I would take advantage of a madman" She smiled as she pulled her hair back out of her face. "My memory is a bit fuzzy so I don't remember a single thing about how you got your wounds.. Did a bear do it?" She teased as she narrowed her eyes lookign at him
"Imprinting... permanently. In my SKIN. I would PREFER that happened a DIFFERENT way." Tyler huffed, though he did sound amused. "Oh stop it, it's not my fault my hair hates me!" Tyler yelped, batting a hand at her before crossing his arms and putting on a grumpy expression. "I'm NOT a madman... though you are right, that is better than a 'sweet giant'" Tyler mused thoughtfully. "A very VERY big angry bear that ALMOST ripped me to shreds." Tyler let out a kind of growl, laughing
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"Well what other way would you like me to do it?" She tilted her head with a small smile. "I'm sorry but its just... You look liek a headgehog" She said through laughs while clutching her stomach "Don't be grumpy at me" She teased before trying to calm herself down from laughing. "Exactly so you are a mad man" She beamed with a smirk "Oh my gosh! How did the bear not win that fight!?" She put her hands over her mouth with a shocked expression
"I do NOT look like a hedgehog." Tyler protested with another huff, narrowing his eyes in a playful manner. At her last comment his eyes widened slightly. "O c'mon Andi, I am so much scarier then a bear when I want to be!" Tyler snorted, his dark eyes twinkling. "Plus YOU KNOW I was teasing." He chuckled, shaking his head. "Now since you think I'm a madman Ima just go do a madman thing to prove your point, bye bye!" Tyler looked at Andi with a glint in his eyes before walking out the door. He didn't care if Andi followed... at the moment... he just wanted... water. Tyler went all the way to a small lake in the forest before diving in, disappearing under the surface. -Ah cool refreshing water that is making my wounds sting!- Tyler though joyously, scrubbing his hair under the water
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Andi couldn't help but laugh at his protests "That's what you think" She snorted through laughsas her keeled over from her stomach started jabbing her with pain. She stood back up straight taking a deep breathe "I will believe that when I see it." She said with a smile on her face. She tilted her head at his next comment then watched him walk out the door, she followed after him after a minute. She got to the lake just in time to see him disappear underneath the waters surface, she walked up to the waters edge and just waited for him to resurface
Tyler finally came up, wrinkling his nose slightly. "I do not advise, swimming hurts your wounds more." He called out, shaking his head before walking up onto the bank and flicking some water on Andi. "Plus it is cold." Tyler snorted, squeezing some water out of his sopping wet shirt. "Very cold." He resisted a smile, glancing at Andi. Well of course it would be cold... it is still somewhat early in the year, and forest lakes never really warmed up
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Andi smiled slightly when she saw him came back up and wrinkle his nose "I could have told you that before you jumped in y'know" She resisted a chuckle as she shook her head. She flinched her head back slightly as the cold water flicked onto her, how was he even able to stay in the lake for that long, she wouldn't be able to last a minute without being freezing "Didn't think to check the water before you jump in? Do you even have dry clothes to change into back at the cabin" She asked as she looked back out at the lake, it did look peaceful to swim in but she wouldn't be willing to go for a swim at the moment
"Do madmans plan ahead? No." Tyler answeered with a grin, looking at the water. "Well at least I'm very awake now... I never got to do camps, so I never got to do the Polar Dip... but I think that problem has been fixed." Tyler mused jokingly. "Of course I have dry clothes..." Tyler trailed off, thinking. "One of them has been ripped to shreds and one is stained with blood, but they are both dry." He offered with a sheepish smile.
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"Yep very awake and drenched" Andi teased with a grin as she glanced back at him. She raised a brow slightly hearing him trail off then shook her head "So your telling me that you only have 3 shirts...." She paused for a moment "I'm buying you more clothes because the one that's ripped to shreds ain't gonan do much to warm you up and the one that is stained in blood is just gross" She took a step back away from the lake "Unless you have another idea of how to get warm then I will be getting you new shirts."
"Hurumph... I can think of amazing ideas on how to stay warm, and I'm sure I have some shirts in the basement. It's not my fault I get involved in a lot of battles!" Tyler huffed, starting back towards the cabin. That did feel nice, though. Dips in the lake were always fun for him, whether cold, hot, wounded, or not. He entered the cabin after shaking off the best he could, going to the small basement and searching around. Tyler let out a yelp and stared at the shirt he had found. "Good golly why do I even OWN this thing!?" He exclaimed, holding up a bright yellow shirt. "Gosh it hurts my eyes to even look at." Tyler groaned, putting it down. Okay maybe he didn't have any more shirts.
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