"You better keep goin'." She stated. (How've you been, anyways?)
Dylan chuckled and smiled. "Okay..." he agreed. Slowly, he slipped her top off, making sure she was okay with it first. "God... your gorgeous..." he murmured, staring at her.
"Even with the scars?" She asked.
He nodded. "Yes, your fucking spectacular," ( sry, yeah, I'm great. Wbu? )
(I've been okay-ish.) When they finished, she looked at him. "You always that gentle?" She asked.
"Do you want me to be rough next time?" He asked, catching his breath. ( whts going on? )
(Uh, this past December, my paternal grandfather passed away. We just got his ashes back, about a week ago. Now, my mom's biological dad has stage 4 cancer.) "Yeah." She nodded. "Just... a little bit."
( omg that's awful, I'm so sorry, ) Dylan nodded and smiled softly, "Okay," he agreed. "Was it better than doing it with your ex?" He asked.
(Thanks.) "Yeah, it was." She nodded.