Sage hummed in a sort of amused manner before nodding. "I guess you could say that," he mused. "I almost got into a fistfight with the manager," he admitted with a chuckle. He wasn't super proud of it, of course, but he'd known it wasn't going to work from the get go so he wasn't surprised about it either. He let T take the girl out of his lap and moved to flop over onto his back with a sort of heavy breath of air. "Baby Liz likes you," he mused when the girl seemed absolutely delighted to have the older girl hold her. Then he sighed and nodded in response to her comment about having hope. "I'm almost afraid to," he mused.
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T tilted her head up at him with interest for the comment, raising her eyebrows. "His fault or yours?" She asked teasingly, letting Liz tug at her fingers and her shirt, the little girl grabbing just about whatever she could fist, looking delighted as could be. She chuckled as he flopped onto his back looking down at Lizzie with a grin. "Is your daddy just so silly?" She teased, her voice reverting to the high pitch it always did when she addressed the little one. She glanced up at Sage for the comment, offering him a smile. "Maybe. I'm new, and interesting, and not you, so." She joked, leaning back against the wall as he continued. She closed her eyes quietly as he spoke, letting out a soft hum in response. "Maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't. I'd like to think it will too." She nodded softly, opening her eyes very slightly to watch him through her lashes. "Tired?" She joked softly.
Sage wrinkled his nose slightly and shrugged in response to his comment. "He was complaining about having to hire a teenager and I confronted him about being a jerk about it," he mused. "Turns out we both had hot tempers, so it didn't end very well." He grinned over at the girl when T started talking to Liz...the girl really did seem to be having the time of her life. It was adorable, really. T worked well with her. "True," he mused. "She's probably just glad to get out of my arms for a minute," he admitted with a chuckle. "I don't want to set her down somewhere and have something happen though," he admitted, alibet a bit sheepishly. He nodded with a sigh when she spoke up again and shrugged. "You'll have to hope for the both of us then, because I'm rather bad at finding the good in things," he mused. He shrugged at her question, chucking slightly. "Maybe. I feel like I shouldn't be though...I got more sleep with you here last night than I usually do all week."
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Tempe frowned slightly at his description, shaking her head. "Eugh, adults shaming teenagers is a major pet peeve of mine. They're just as human." She rolled her eyes, letting Liz wiggle around her lap. She grinned slightly as he finished. "Who would've won if you fought?" She teased, chuckling softly as he continued and turning her gaze down to the child between her legs. "Understandable. Babies are curious, they like new things. Still; Daddy's always gonna be her safe place." She smiled, watching the little girl smile at her father. "I understand that. But eventually, she needs to crawl and walk on her own. No that that's going to happen super soon." She shrugged, lifting her head from the wall and cocking her head slightly at him. "Aw, so I'm like a nightlight? That's so cute." She teased.
Sage wrinkled his nose slightly in response to her comment and nodded his head. "The guy's ego was bigger than his head," he mused, before giving a slightly odd look. "Me," he snorted. "I've gotten into fistfights with people since I was like seven. I know how to flatten a guy, especially one that slow and stupid," he mused with a half chuckle. "Well, as far as I know, they're supposed to be curious," he hummed. "She seems like she's functioning fine, so I guess I'm doing something right," he sighed. It was a burden though, having a baby in this environment. Especially on his own. "I can hope about that," he mused lightly. "I just don't want to let her down," he added softly after a moment before taking a deep breath and sitting back up, giving her a grin at her comment. "I guess you could say that," he joked. "Though for now, you can play babysitter while I go get some fresh water from the river down there," he added, crawling to the corner of the cave and grabbing the plastic gallon container he kept full of water. "I haven't gotten sick from it yet so I assume it's ok enough," he added with a shug and he crawled to move towards the cave entrance.
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T exhaled a light laugh at his first comment, curling her arms gently around Liz. "Mm, sounds familiar." She joked, shifting to curl up a little. "Ah, cocky and temperamental? I'm learning all about you." She teased, watching him with an easy smile. She looked down at the child in her lap as he brought the conversation back to the little one, her smile softening slightly. "You must be doing something right if your kid is this cute." She quipped lightly, watching Liz babble happily. She glanced back up at him as he spoke again, tilting her head. "Somehow I think it would be pretty hard for you to do that." T said simply, picking Lizzie up and curling her into her arms to cuddle the little one slightly. "Oh, fun. Try not to do anything dumb while you're out there." She teased, giving Lucifer a quiet command in Dutch. The dog got up from his settled position, moving to follow Sage out of the cave.
Sage rolled his eyes slightly in response to her first comment before chuckling in response to her second one, shrugging slightly. "I won't even deny that one," he mused. Though, he snorted when she mentioned Lizzie being cute and nodded. "She got the good genes from her mother," he mused. "I screw things up pretty often," he said softly with a sort of bitter laugh when she seemed to think it would be hard to let her down. "I mean, I let Amy down," he added, a brief look passing over his face before he remasked his emotions. "No promises," he chirped in response to her comment, crawling out of the cave, patting Lucifer when the animal followed him out.
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"See? I'm observant." T joked, settling her cheek gently against Liz's head. She scoffed at his next comment. "Hey, you look like you have pretty good genes. Don't put yourself down." She huffed, glaring at him as he continued. "You didn't let anyone down, Sage. Now stop with the whole self deprecating shit or I'll have to start giving you compliments. Blegh." She joked, tossing a pebble at him. "Mhm." She huffed in response, watching him crawl away with a slight smile before she went to talking quietly with Liz.
Sage chuckled slightly and gave T a grin. "It doesn't take very long to figure out I'm stubborn and hot tempered," he mused. "Those two things together partnered with this whole zombie thing don't really mix perfectly," he chuckled before wrinkling his nose at her in a somewhat joking manner. "If you start doing that I might die in a corner," he half joked, climbing out of the cave, pausing to look around and then hopping onto the grass, helping the dog figure out the path to go up and down the rocks. "Your owner is quite the person," he mused to the animal as they wandered along. The creek wasn't far...maybe a fifteen minute walk or so. Of course, hed probably be making the trip more often with two other people/animals to keep hydrated. That was alright though ....he wanted to be able to help somehow. Maybe he could keep their little group alive this time. He hoped so....he'd become fond of T already. Probably because she was just simply being nice to him, but still. It was quite wonderful to be with someone he could trust.
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"And? I still did." T huffed, wiggling her way into the corner and keeping Liz on her lap; her knees lifted. She cuddled the child quietly, closing her eyes and thinking faintly about Sage. It was nice to have a... friend. Someone to talk with that would talk back. She was already developing her own little attachment to the man, but she could tell if it was because he was him or because he was a person. Either way, she was greatly enjoying his company so far. Lucifer watched Sage make his way down, scrambling his own, un-graceful way down the slope and shaking his coat out once He got onto grass again. He trotted eagerly at Sage's side, sniffing occasionally at the air.