He gave her a playful grin, he knew that. He looked back down at the black pain as she asked the question. "It depends. But its more 70/30, the seventy being ones that were born werewolf and the thirty that were humans." He shrugged. "Once they get a lust for the hearts of dear old humankind, it doesn't feel like they're humans anymore. Knowing they could've ripped out a person's life last night, and are so cold it'd be believable for one to lie, it changes things." He looked up at her, that sounded a little personal.
"Oh, alright. That makes sense." Tempe nodded thoughtfully, watching him as he explained. She frowned slightly at the end. "...oh. Are they... are they conscious of their actions, during the full moon? Do they know they're killing? And are they just regular people the other twenty eight days of the month?" She listed curiously, her wings giving an anxious flutter, seemingly without her knowledge. They often acted without her command.
He pursed his lips. "As far as I know, the born ones are usually aware. But really I don't think it matters if you can't fix them. They still kill whether or not they want to. Nothing is gonna stop them." He sounded hardened and cold to the situation, it wasn't their fault and he did know that. But if you can't fix them and don't want to join them, he only saw one more option. He didn't want the whole world to be bloodthirsty, inhumane monsters.
Tempe simply frowned up at him once he finished his explanation. She switched her gaze back to the clouds and stared straight up instead. It just didn't seem fair to her, really. To murder a being that had no choice in the matter of good or evil? Surely there was a way to cure rather than kill. Maybe people just didn't want to see that. "Okay." She said softly, nodding faintly and gently pressing herself up from the hood.
He watched her reaction, could feel her judgement. He pushed off of the car and walked over to the steps, back up to the second story. He needed to fetch his things from his room. He walked in, stared at the bottle of what he assumed was now water, and took the bag on the table. He left the bottle there. Walking around the rest of the room, picking up whatever was left, he walked back out and locked the door.
Tempe watched him move with only slight regret. She didn't blame him, or judge him, really; it was his job. What choice did he have? The practice simply seemed... wrong, to her. She stood next to the car, staring at her wings with a sigh, and a moment later, they were gone. She had stumbled forward slightly, into the car, her hands on the hood to brace herself and her face twisted with pain.
He looked over the ledge down at her, watching the wings disappear, he stood there for a moment. But he backed off from the ledge, felt a little wrong to watch. He came back down the stairs and back to the car. Quiet. He opened the trunk and put the bag in. He shut it and hopping into the car, tossing the stuff in his hand in the back. Because of the look he could see on her face, he didn't ask. He put the chair back up and started the car. A loud rumble came through, roaring to life. He let the growling sink in, this was definitely his happy place. Then he shut his door.
Tempe gave a small sigh and reached back, rubbing at her back quietly. When she saw him walking closer she straightened immiediately, shaking her head and hopping in the passenger side. She started slightly as the engine turned over, a small smile on her face.
He looked over at her, grinning slightly. "Good morning isn't she?" He smiled, buckling in and putting her in reverse. He was a good driver it just really didn't look like it, he pulled out and right up to the road, he tapped his finger on the wheel in time with the turn signal, and then pulled out as the road cleared for a moment. He watched the road while also fishing through a cubby at the feet of the middle seat. "What kind of music do you like?" He glanced over at her.
"She is. You never told me why you call her Ladybug, though." Tempe added playfully, watching him lightly. She didn't bother putting on her seatbelt- she was an angel. She couldn't very well die over again. She shrugged at his question. "I like just about anything. Put on whatever you like and I'll probably like it too." She said lightly.