His ears flicked as he heard the sigh, ad that's when he decided. "Yep, I'm going to be a stupid young stallion and follow her. Well, that descision made, I can sleep knowing I'm a idiot colt. Sweet dreams, Raptor." He muttered, laying his head down and closing his eyes.
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THE NEXT MORNING - SUN STARTING TO RISE. WEATHER: COOL. - She woke up and stretched. Blaze looked around and saw the stallion, not far away, still asleep. She cantered the way she was headed, continuing on her journey.
As he heard hoofbeats, he got up shakily, still sleepy. Since it was the morning it was misty out, and that went perfectly with his white coat. For being such a big horse, he was very much like a Raptor. You hear that? Nothing. Exactly, he's a very silent horse. He crept through the fog, following the smell and sound of the mare.
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As he heard hoofbeats, he got up shakily, still sleepy. Since it was the morning it was misty out, and that went perfectly with his white coat. For being such a big horse, he was very much like a Raptor. You hear that? Nothing. Exactly, he's a very silent horse. He crept through the fog, following the smell and sound of the mare.
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It's fine)) - She slowed to a walk, as she had been running for a while. She sniffed the air, and could smell the stallion. She stopped, waiting for him.
He knew the mare knew he had been following her, so he ran to catch up. "Gosh... you... are... fast.." he landed quietly as he got there. For such a big, heavy horse, he was all muscle. No speed.
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Lol)) "yeah, I run a lot." She stood there for a moment, letting him catch his breath. "What's your name?"
"I can tell, and I do NOT run a lot. Easy canter? Sure. Flat out gallop? No thanks." He grinned crookedly. "Anyway, my long name that I don't expect you to remember is Silent Snowfall In The Field... probably because I'm white, and very quiet. You can call me Raptor." He chuckled
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